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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Band Camp II - Get Ready!

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a great summer.  It is time for Band Camp #2 and the start of the 2012-2013 marching band season.  There has been a ton of preparation done this summer by the staff, band parents and students and now it is time to put all of that hard work together.  Band Camp #2 will be August 4th and 6th - 10th from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  However, please plan to drop your child off no later than 8:45 AM because we start rehearsal at 9:00 AM.  I have attached an informational sheet about band camp.  Please read through it and then feel free to email me with questions.  The students will receive a lunch break from 12:30 - 1:30 each day and dinner from 5:00 - 6:00 PM.  Each day the students will be outside from 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 6:00 - 9:00 PM.  We will be inside during the hot afternoon hours.

The attached info sheet details what they should bring, but I strongly encourage each member to contact their section leader before camp to make sure they are all set.

We will need volunteers for band camp.  If you would like to volunteer at anytime during camp, please email Mike Grantham at to sign up.  

I have also attached the drill for the Opener and the Ballad for the competition show.  Students will find their name and show number in the GHS Competition Show file.  Students are expected to have their dot books ready for the first day of camp.  Section leaders have been instructed to have a sectional before camp to help new students with their dot books.

Please remember that we need to have a medical form on file for each student.  I have attached that form as well.  You do not need to turn a new one in if you gave us one at band camp #1.

We also need to collect the $100.00 band camp fee.  I am sorry to say that only about 50% of the band turned in their Camp #1 fees.  Students are expected to have paid their Camp 1 and Camp 2 fees by Wednesday of Camp #2.  We will be handing out the new travel uniforms at the end of the camp week and I will only pass out travel uniforms to those that have paid their camp fees for both camps.  If you have any questions about camp fees, please refer them to our treasurer, Susie Hummel, at

On Friday of Camp #2, we will have a family dinner at 5:00 PM.  Families are encouraged to bring dinner for your family.  We will then have our Parent Meeting at 6:00 PM followed by our Premier Show at 7:30 PM.  All friends and family are encouraged to attend.  Hopefully, mother nature will allow us to have this outside.  We will tons of GHS Band apparel available at this meeting.

I look forward to seeing everyone soon,

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