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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/10/13 Volunteer Announcements

GHS Band & Guard Family:
Thank you to the students, siblings and parents that helped wash the band trailer this past Sun – your help was sincerely appreciated and we had some fun too!
***We are asking any parents that are available this Thurs evening (9/12) at approx. 5:30p to assist with waxing the trailer – the kids will be in rehearsal so the more parent help that is available the quicker we will finish.
This weekend’s volunteer opportunities shape up as follows:
·         Friday (9/13) at approx. 4:15 the band will eat dinner in the GHS cafeteria (courtesy of Olive Garden!!) – help is needed serving and cleaning up

·         We are in need of donations of dessert for our dinner on Fri at 4:15 – donations of cookies, brownies, or other easy-serve finger deserts would be greatly appreciated. In order to make sure we have enough desserts, please text Nadine Moretta at 352-316-5306 and let her know what you can bring. The desserts can either be sent with your student on Fri morning or dropped off at the band room by 4:15p.

·         Friday (9/13) at approx. 10:00pm the band will return from Citizen’s field and the uniforms will be unloaded and laid out for “airing-out” in the auditorium – we need parent assistance and it is a great opportunity to help while you wait for the band students to unload the trailers

·        Sun (9/15) at 2p we will meet in the auditorium to put the uniforms back together and help is needed with that – the baritone section members (students and/or parents) are requested  to assist with this
Then, coming in the near future:
·         We are going to wash the 2nd trailer on Sun (9/22) at 1pm (not this Sun but the next Sun) and we would like to have as many kids and parents as possible that day to help.

·         Sat, 9/28 is our Gators Dockside pancake breakfast – tickets to be sold can be checked out with Mr Pirzer (please sell tickets!) – additionally, we need a few parent volunteers to assist with managing table setup and serving which is done by our kids – you will need to report at 7:30a and will finish at 11a. Please email me at if you would like to volunteer.
If you have questions please contact me at We appreciate your support of the GHS Band & Guard!  
Frank Mason

Monday, September 9, 2013

Band Booster Meeting 9/9/13:  Called to order:  7:03

Band Director Report
·         Welcome
·         Thanks for help on Friday night
·         Game this Friday night; includes pre-game show since we’re the home team
·         This Saturday, 9/14, All State Auditions at SFHS – 9 students auditioning; each were given their assigned time during school today.
·         Letterman jackets – Order and $$ due by Friday, 9/20
o   If you want this to be a secret gift, put it in a sealed envelope and request it to be kept secret
·       New date for the calendar:  Wednesday 9/25 – Dr. Boyd’s retirement party at GHS.  Band students needed from 3:30 – 4:30. More details coming.
·       Open House next Tues, 9/17, at 7; t shirts and sweat shirts will be for sale in band room
·       Showcase - no details yet
Treasurer Report
·         Beginning balance 9898.73, outstanding checks 3399.00
·         End balance 6499.73 
·         Current budget status is better than average
·         Reminder that fair share is due at the end of month
Fundraising Updates
·         Zaxby’s - made $773.00 between the 4 we’ve had so far
·         Yankee Candle - profit 2000.00
o   Yankee Candle- Continue on-line ordering thru end of year.  On line sales will not go to a specific student, but notify Cindy of the order, provide her with receipt so that she can apply the $$ to the student.
·         Gator Dockside Breakfast – 9/28
o   Tickets are for 6.00 each and 3.00 goes towards fair share
o   Volunteers will be needed; details coming soon
o   Students will be checking out tickets during class; SELL THE TICKETS – EASY FUNDRAISER!
·         Ongoing fund raisers:  pizza cards, Zaxby's, aluminum can collection (you can take to recycle center or bring to school and let Cindy know); Jug for loose change (collected $200.00 last year!)
·         Future:  Krispy Kreme, Holiday wreaths, Mama Mia’s dinner night – details coming
·         H&R Block Tax service - $20 for each one done by new clients  - made $800.00 last year
·         Gator Concessions – last game earned $987.00.
o   If you worked, you will get an email from Julie regarding the $$ towards your fair share, but appears as though each person got about $50. 
o   Over 50 people signed up for the 20 slots – we’re doing best to ensure equal opportunity to work
o   Nov 23 is State Competition and Gator game - still working on coordinating this.
o   If your fair share notice does not include your concession $$s, and it should, let Susie Hummel know.
Volunteer Coordinator Report

·       PIT crew is set - 19 people
·       Gator Dockside Pancake Breakfast – see above
·       Trailer cleaning - thanks to the 20 volunteers who helped clean the trailer last Sunday!
o   Will be cleaning the 2nd trailer on 9/22 at 2:00
·       We have a new awning coming to cover/protect the trailers
·       Trailer Maintenance – routine maintenance needed – funds needed to cover this – looking for businesses to donate, and in turn GHS thanks them with a trailer decal
o   We have a formal form to use with this solicitation – Susie to look for it
o   Idea - Facebook has a GHS Band Alum Group - good place to solicit donations – Does anyone know who owns this site?

·       Need help this Friday night – after game, while waiting for kids, assist with laying out the uniforms in the auditorium
·       Sunday at 2:00 –piece the uniforms back together. Baritones are on duty, but everyone welcome to help!

·         Middle School Band Night – 10/25
o   Will need candy donations and help making goodie bags
o   This is a teacher workday; middle school kids will be at GHS at 3:30; they will practice and have dinner with GHS band, then ride busses over to Citizen’s Field  on 25th
o   Parents will pick up their middle school students after the half time show
Next Meeting:  10/7 @ 7:00

Sunday, September 8, 2013

9/8 Update from Mr. Pirzer

Parents and Students,

Was anyone else shocked that our first attempt to march the show was a complete and total wash out?  A huge thank you to everyone that helped on Friday night even though the band never took the field.  Also, a big thank you to the Texas Roadhouse for providing the pre-game meal for all of our students.  If you are in the Roadhouse, please tell them thank you from the band.

We will give it another shot this Friday night at our football game versus Madison County.  Hopefully we will not need to bring our scuba gear to get through the game.

We will be having our first Band Booster Meeting Monday night at 7:00 PM in the band room.  There will be plenty to discuss, so I hope to see you there.  At the meeting, we will be kicking off the Gators Dockside Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser.  

Here's a look at this week...........

Monday, 9/9:  Full Marching Band 3 - 5,  Guard 3 - 6,  Booster Meeting 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 9/10:  Horns and Guard 3 - 5, Percussion 5 - 8
Thursday, 9/12:  Full Marching Band 5 - 8
Friday, 9/13:  Football Game vs.  Madison County, students report at 3:00 PM.  Dinner will be provided by the Olive Garden this week.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/3 Update from Mr. P:

Parents and Students,

It's Show week!!  Finally after all this time and preparation, we are ready to have our first performance of the year this Friday night at our football game against Eastside. 

For the game this week, we are the away team, so please make sure that when you enter the stadium, you come in through the Visitors gate, otherwise, you will be stuck on the Eastside side.

There are a lot of exciting things happening that lead us up to the first game.  On Friday morning, we will be having our first before school Pep Rally.  Students should be in the band room by 7:45 to prepare for this short event. 

On Friday afternoon, students will rehearse from 3:00 to 4:15 PM and then we will have the band dinner at 4:30 PM in the GHS cafeteria.  Dinner is being provided by Texas Roadhouse this week. 

We will leave GHS at 5:30 PM by bus to go to the game.  Please make arrangements to pick up your students back here at GHS at 10:30 PM.  When picking up your students, please park on Hurricane Lane, or in the front parking lot.  Please do not park in the bus circle or block the bus circle so that our trailers can easily pull in and out.

For the game, students will need to wear their travel uniform which consists of the purple band shirt, black "G" shorts CALF LENGTH BLACK SOCKS, and their marching band shoes.  For this week, the guard will wear their tennis shoes as their performance shoes have not all arrived yet.

We are still in need of about 4 parents to be in the pit crew.  Please email me or Frank Mason (See previous email) ASAP if you can help. 

Here's a look at the schedule for the week...

·         Tuesday 9/3:  Horns, Guard 3 - 5, Percussion 5 - 8

·         Thursday 9/5:  Full Marching Band 5 - 8  (Pit Crew meeting at 7:00 PM to get assignments and practice moving the pit). 

·         Friday 9/6: 

o   Morning Pep Rally 7:45 AM

o   Full Band 3 – 4:15

o   Eastside Game 7:30

o   Student pick-up at GHS, 10:30


Hope to see you at the game,
