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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bibbers need washing AND Uniform Assembly Schedule

Hi Parents:
We would like to send the bibbers home to be washed this Friday September 28th, after we return from the game. We will have separated into groups of 10,  if  you can help us out by taking a group of them,  that would be great. There are hangers available if you would like to send them back on hangers, not necessary, they can be folded neatly and sent in. 
We need to have them returned to the bandroom by Thursday October 4, so we have time to match them back up with the jackets.
Also, below is the uniform assembly schedule by section for the rest of the season.  Please note the date for your section's participation.
  • Sunday 9/30 at 2:00 p.m. will be the Clarinets
  • Saturday 10/13 time to be announced will be the Drumline, we will assemble uniforms Saturday a.m. October 12th to load for Showcase
  • Sunday 10/13 at 2:00 p.m. will be Guard and Drum Majors
  • Saturday 10/20 – time to be announced will be the Mellos, we will assemble uniforms Saturday a.m. to load for Nease Competition.
  • Sunday 10/21 at 2:00 will be Pit
  • Sunday 10/28 at 2:00 will be Sax
  • Sunday 11/11 at 2:00 will be Trumpets
  • Last but not least -- Sunday 11/18 – time to be announced (depends on return time from State) will be the Flutes and Tubas.

If you are not able to help on your section day, you are welcome to come on another day.
Thank you to everyone for your help!

Pancake Breakfast $$ Due Now

Attention all Band Students/ Parents:

Please turn in all of your Gator Dockside ticket $$ and/or unused tickets to Mr. Pirzer as soon as possible.  Reminder:  The breakfast is this Saturday, 9/29.

Sewing Assistance Needed

From Band Parent Roberta Teller ...

Hi Parents, Boosters, and Students,

We are in the final weekend of sewing the overlays for the band students and we really need parents with sewing machines to help finish.  Your help would be very, very appreciated.  We will be in the band room from 10 am until at least 6 pm, and maybe 8 pm on Saturday, and from 10 am -6pm on Sunday.

We began the process of fitting students Monday and will continue during the week at class time if we need a second fitting or did not get to a student.  We will need to see some students this weekend, as described below.
Both the pit and the bass drum line will need to be seen over the weekend because their uniforms are a more  complex fitting.

We will be scheduling appointments for this. Mr. Pirzer would like all uniforms  completed for next week so he can see the visual and students can begin the process of learning how to remove the  uniforms.  All uniforms have been custom made and are a garment. Approximately 20 hours have gone into each piece.  We, the SEWING DIVAS,  would ask you to treat the unforms with care, which means: do not place them on the ground and do not rub your instruments on the uniform, which will get them dirty before the first show.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly at:
Thank you

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/24/12

Parents and Students,
Thanks to everyone for their help at our game Friday Night.  The show is slowly starting to come together.  I can't imagine how dangerous we could be if we actually had a full week of practice with no rain. 
Speaking of rain, we need to make up some lost time so here is what we are planning to do.  On Friday, October 5th, we are going to extend our 3 to 6 PM rehearsal to a 3 to 9 PM rehearsal.  The students will have a break from 5:30 to 6:00 for dinner.  We will take this break on the field and if you plan to bring your student something to eat, please have it here by 5:30.
The Gator's Dockside Pancake Breakfast is this coming Saturday, September 29th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.  I need all money and unsold tickets returned to me ASAP.  I will be signing students up to volunteer to serve and bus tables. 
The Red, Blue, Lime Green, and Black special sector T-Shirts should be in this week.  The cost is $8.00 per shirt and I have pleny of each size.  Students can wear these to school and practice.  Also, parents are encouraged to buy one for you as well.  I am selling these on a first come, first served basis.
Here's a look at the upcoming week...
Monday:  Full Marching Band  3:00 to 5:00
Tuesday:  Horn Line  3:00 to 5:00 PM,  Pit/Battery/Guard  5:30 to 8:30 PM
Thursday:  Full Marching Band  5:30 to 8:30
Friday:  Football game vs Eastside,  All students report at 3:00 for Practice
Special Note about the Eastside Game:  We are the visiting team for this game so we will be sitting on the visiting side of the stadium.  When you come into the game, please make sure you enter at the visiting gate.

Well, that's all for now, Have a great week.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gator's Dockside Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Attention all band parents, students, and boosters,

The pancake breakfast tickets are now available for the students to checkout and begin selling.  Mr. Pirzer has the box with the envelopes containing 10 tickets in each envelope, along with the sheet where they sign them out, and a volunteer sign-up sheet.  For those of you who may not have participated in this previously, the student signs out the tickets, sells them for $6 each, and brings the money (and any unsold tickets) back to Mr. Pirzer prior to the event.  Money and unsold tickets are due back on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25th.  Then, the people who bought the tickets show up at the event (Sept 29th, 8am to 10am, Gator's Dockside) with their tickets, and have breakfast.  

We also need volunteers to work - so far, only 2 parents have signed up.  We need at least 5 parents, and 8-10 student volunteers.

Please contact band parent Sandra Reichert if you have any questions, or would like to volunteer.  Her contact info is:
Phone:  258-0365

Monday, September 10, 2012

GHS Band Booster Meeting - 9/10/12

Meeting began at 7:05 PM.

President’s Report
Approved minutes from prior meeting.

Band Director Update
  • Band letterman jackets – orders are due by Friday 9/21. Should be in by early to mid Nov.
  • One MILL FOR OUR Schools – 4 years ago, county approved 1 mill increase in property taxes for school programs.  On Nov ballot, this is up for renewal. If its not passed, could impact middle and high school band programs in a big (bad) way.  We would appreciate promotion of this. Encourage all to Vote YES.
  • Open house for GHS was moved to Wednesday 9/19.  If you attended this booster meeting, no need to come to band at open house.  We will be discussing the same things.
  • Student pickup – some students are not being picked up on time after practices and games.  We feel obligated to stay until everyone is picked up.  Please make sure you are here on time.
  • Band homework.  We ask them to practice 20 minutes per day outside of class.  Need parents’ help.  Students need to be working on things they can’t play, so if they sound good while practicing, they are practicing the wrong things!
  • Dot books – several students were not prepared with their dot books today.  Mr. P. will start sending folks home if they don’t have their dot books.  Please remind your children.
  • This week, send your students with water jugs and snacks.  Some kids are not eating lunch.  Need to fix that.  We have had more problems with upperclassmen than ENACS this year.  This is disturbing.  The extra hour on Fridays will be a problem if kids aren’t properly hydrated and nourished.
  • We have lots of shirts (polos, sweatshirts, etc.) available.   Please order through Mr. Pirzer.
  • Also, will be making other shirts available in the colors of the teams.  All in attendance at booster meeting said they are interested in ordering (for students and parents), so he will be ordering many.  More info to come on how to get these shirts once they are available.
  • Next football game is Friday, Sept 21.  It is also middle school night.  We will have many middle schoolers in attendance.  Ruth Dean will coordinate the making of goody bags for these kids.  Please contact her if you are interested in helping.  Her email is
  • Sept 28 game – against Eastside.  We are the “away” team.
  • Competition days  Oct 13, 20, and 27.
  • Students can take ACT on the 27th, if they want. We won’t be leaving for the competition until after ACT is done.
Treasurer’s report  
As of today $3,800 balance … we are in the negative if we count expenses incurred but not yet paid.
Fair share is in decent shape.  Next $ due Sept 26, but anyone who would like to pay earlier is more than welcomed to do so.

  • BRAX Cups – Deliveries for 1st order are due in Sept 28.  We can do a second order if we do it soon.
  • Candle orders are due now.
  • Recycle cans – need to find a spot for them at school, outside of the band room. Mr. P will see if he can secure a locked area outside.  Can also save tabs. Cindy Mason will prepare an additional communication on this topic, so stay tuned for more info.
  • Anna Fisher – will supply flyers if we refer people to go to H&R block … first time users will generate $25 donation which the band will receive next year.
  • Today, 1st day of Gator Dockside fundraiser.  Will send flyer out shortly.  We encourage each band student to purchase 10 tickets at $6 each.  Need to return $ or unused tickets by Sept 2__.  This is a fair share fundraiser  . … half of each ticket goes to the individual student’s fair share.  Parents will work in kitchen, students will serve the food.  Mr. Pirzer has a volunteer sign up sheet .
  • Nadine Moretta asked if we would do spirit nights at restaurants that have been providing food for football games.  Nadine will get some dates together and give them to Mr. Pirzer, who will communicate from that point.
  • Ms. Palmer brought up the idea of doing a yard sale for indoor guard and percussion floors. Need a trailer to store goods. Mr. P offered one of the band trailers for this purpose after marching season.  More to come on this topic
  • SCRIP is a fundraiser that involves purchasing gift cards from many different vendors, and receiving a percentage of that gift card amount to go to the individual student’s fair share.  Percentages vary, but as an example:  if you buy a $100 gas card to Marathon, for example, and you get a 3% rate, $3.00 goes to your fair share.  This could really add up if you typically buy gift cards for the holidays, or perhaps you have a major purchase at Home Depot or Lowes … you were going to spend the money anyway … why not get that extra credit to your fair share?  There is a new form with updated vendors.  Susie Hummel is working on getting the form and we will make it available as soon as it is ready.  
  • Gator Concessions – ice cream and italian ices have been added to the product offerings.  This has made the booths much busier, and has resulted in higher profits. $50 per game per person (on average) is credited to fair share at the end of the season.  Can work about 15 people per game.  Will try to give everyone a chance.  Have a lot more participation this year than last.
VP/ Volunteer Coordinator Report
  • All is good.
  • Need a successor, though. 
Uniform Report
  • Need some freshman parents to start learning the process. 
  • Will start the laying out/ reassembling the uniforms by section.  Will communicate section assignments before next game.  Thanks to all who volunteered this past weekend … many hands actually do make light work!
Other business
  • Mr. Pirzer thanked everyone who helped with game last Thursday
  • Thanks to Nadine for getting donated dinners for the entire season.
  • Thanks to Roberta and the sweatshop gang for working very hard on the extra uniform pieces for this show.
  • Thanks to props crew, and specifically to the Honeycutts and Tellers for coordinating the construction. 
    Thanks to All.
Absenteeism is going ok  … please try to give note in advance for absences. No more Wednesday practices.

Next meeting: October 8, 2012

Meeting adjourned approximately 8:15 pm.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Week Ahead- Week of 9/10/12

Parents and students,
Thanks to everyone for making our first run of the show a smooth go.  Here is a look at the week ahead....

Monday Night, 7:00 PM  Band Booster Meeting
Last call for Yankee Candle orders.  Last chance is the booster meeting.

Monday:  Full Marching Band, 3:00 to 5:00 PM
Tuesday:  Horn Line, 3:00 to 5:00 PM,  Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Thursday:  Full Marching Band, 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Friday:  Full Marching Band, 3:00 to 6:00 PM

Our goal this week is to learn the ballad and most of the closer drill.  Our next football game is a week from Friday.

Have a good week,

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/3/12

Parents and students,
Let's all make sure you are doing your anti rain dance for this week so we can actually get onto the field.  If the weather permits, we plan to perform the opener at our game this Thursday.  Here's what's going on this week.

Tuesday:  Horn line 3:00 - 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Wednesday:  Full Marching Band 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Thursday:  Football Game vs. Columbia, 7:00 PM.  Students will need to meet at 3:00 PM.  Dinner will be served at 4:15 PM.
Students will be ready for pick up at 10:30 PM.

Please remember that the Yankee Candle orders and money are due on Friday.  Please turn them into me in the office.    

Band Booster Meeting, Monday, September 10th at 7:00 PM in the band room.

Hope to see you at the game.