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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gator's Dockside Pancake Fundraiser Information

Attention all parents and students:

The tickets for the upcoming pancake breakfast (scheduled to take place at Gator's Dockside - Newberry Road - on Saturday, 9/25) are ready for pickup.

  • Students should pick up their tickets from Mr. Pirzer or his designee - they will sign out for the specific tickets given to them. Note: Tickets will be packaged in groups of 10 and each student should be able to sell 10 tickets. If students want to sign out multiple packets of tickets, they may do so, however please note that students are responsible for ALL tickets for which they sign out. They must either return $$, or unused tickets to account for every ticket they signed out.
  • Students are to sell those tickets for $6 each.
  • Students are to turn in the $$ to Mr. Pirzer for the tickets sold NO LATER THAN 9/22. NOTE: Don't save it up to the end ... The longer the $$ are held onto, the more of a chance the $$ will be lost.
  • People who purchased the tickets then must bring the tickets as entry to the breakfast.
  • Students will receive 50% of the proceeds of their own sales as a credit to their individual fair share accounts.
  • Tickets that don't get sold must be returned to Mr. Pirzer, along with the proceeds of any sold tickets.
Volunteers needed:

We need a few parent volunteers to monitor the activity on the morning of the event and several student volunteers to serve the breakfasts, as well as people to make posters to remind students to get their tickets. A signup sheet will be located in the band room.

If you have a question, simply send an email to, and I will get your answer from the co-coordinators of this event, band parents Sandra Reichert and Jayne Hargrave.

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