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Friday, August 13, 2010

Band Camp 2 Journal - 2010

Day 6

Well, if you attended the meeting this evening, I am sure the performance left you speechless (and perhaps even breathless)! I don’t know that there is anything else that needs to be said, except a big huge thank you Mr. Pirzer! The band is truly a reflection of its leader …

Parents and students, enjoy this final week before school starts. You may want to use some of this time to contemplate how you can best support the band (lots of volunteer opportunities to think about, and as we saw with band camp, many hands make light work). As we heard at the meeting, the Pancake Breakfast needs a coordinator or two, and it is rapidly approaching. If you’re interested, please respond to this email and I will forward it to the appropriate person.

Signing off for now … See you after school starts!


Day 5

As we approach the final day of band camp 2, I am sure most of you (both parents and students) are wondering where the time went. It has been quite a week! Today, in addition to the regular routine of stretching/warmups, field practice, sectionals, etc., the students were measured for their marching uniforms. I am sure we will hear at tomorrow night's meeting if help is needed with the uniform alterations.

I did not receive any reports of unusual events happening today, although I did hear of some seniors getting a surprise shower at the end of the night. A rite of passage, perhaps ... or just a celebration that their high school band camp days are almost over forever!

A few reminders for tomorrow (FRIDAY) - GHS Band Family Night:

5:00 PM Dinner, please bring food for you and your guests.

6:30 PM Parent Meeting

7:30 PM GHs Band and Guard Premiere Show

8:30(ish) DCI Watch Party in Band Room

During the parent meeting, Laura Netardus will have sign-up sheets for all of the fund raisers, so if you are interested in participating, you may sign up at that time. In addition, you will receive information about the upcoming schedule of events, and you will have the opportunity to meet other band parents. Finally, you will get to see what the students have been working on all week. Please make every effort to attend ... it will be worth it!

And really finally, students and parents are welcomed to stay after the show to watch the DCI (Drum Corps International) performance projected in the band room. While this is certainly not mandatory, it is worthwhile to see. Check out this link to see if you might be interested.

If you have not paid your $100 fair share payment yet, please bring it in tomorrow, if at all possible.

See everyone tomorrow!


Day 4

Hi Everyone,

Here is another late update ...

Progress continues to be made and the students all seem to be faring quite well. In addition to the progress on the actual show, the two other highlights for today were 1) the band shoe fittings (which I didn't hear anything negative about, so I will take that as a good thing), and 2) the hamburger/hot dog feast cooked and coordinated by a group of band parents. Other than running out of ketchup and buns at the very end of the process, it seemed to be a success. Thanks to all parents who participated (I am not going to name them because then I will stay awake all night thinking about who I may have forgotten). I will do give special mention to John Weigel for his awesome Macaroni & Cheese! It was the highlight of the dinner ... Thanks to the students, as well, for being as orderly as a group of 100+ students can be. Made our job much easier.

On the food topic, don't forget to provide your student with with Lunch and Dinner tomorrow (THURSDAY) ...

Here is the note from Mr. Pirzer:

Parents, Family, Friends, and other band supporters,

Please join us this Friday at 5:00 PM for our GHS Band Family Night. Here is the schedule..

5:00 PM Dinner, please bring food for you and your guests.

6:30 PM Parent Meeting

7:30 PM GHs Band and Guard Premiere Show

8:30(ish) DCI Watch Party in Band Room

Let's pack the field with as many people as possible!! These kids have busted their tails this week and they deserve a huge audience. You will not believe what your kids have learned.

We will also have GHS Band Swag for sale, anything from sweatshirts, hat, shirts, back packs, etc...


Day 3

First a disclaimer ... I was not personally onsite today at Band Camp, so all of my information is second hand. Everything I am saying comes from a reliable source, but the details are a bit scarce ...

Me: So how was band camp today? My source: Good

Me: Anything out of the ordinary to report? My source: No

Me: Any major accidents or illnesses? My source: No, but Mom, would you really put that in your email? Me: No, but I might not want to report that everything was good if something bad happened. My source: Got it. Nothing bad happened.

So that's the extent of it. You might want to ask your "source" to see if you can fill in some of the blanks!

A few upcoming items:

I just spoke with Amy Mueller, who has coordinated some of the sewing projects in the past. She asked me to give any of our band parents with sewing talent a "heads-up" to stand by for some upcoming sewing needs. She will provide the details later on in the week ... but if you have the talent, she needs you! She will either be in touch with you directly (if you have worked with her in the past), or you will be hearing more from me. Stay tuned!

Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) is hot dog/burger cookout day. So, you don't have to provide dinner - we will be cooking for the students. Again, per my previous email, we still need 1 more gas grill, so if you have one we can borrow, please send me a response to this email.

Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) is shoe day (meaning, students who need shoes will get fitted and will order shoes). Please remember to send in a check for $35 (band), $30 (guard) made payable to GHS Band Boosters.

FRIDAY is Covered Dish Dinner at 5pm. Just to clarify, you are to bring food to feed your family. And it doesn't really have to be in a covered dish. This is not a traditional potluck where everyone brings food for everyone. I know people had questions about that ...

I think that covers it for tonight!

Have a good night everyone, and see you tomorrow.


Day 2

Quick highlights as it is late, and you should all be in process of getting a good night's sleep!

From a band parent's perspective, progress looks great! As with Saturday's session, Monday morning went quite well ... and it was hotter, and for a longer period of time. The show looks awesome so far!

The afternoon, inside sessions brought some relief from the heat.

While I was not there for the evening portion of camp, inside sources tell me there were no unusual events, so I am taking that as positive progress.

Reminder for tomorrow (Tuesday) - Pizza for Dinner. If you have not paid yet, you can do so in the morning. While I don't have the info in front of me (so I will warn you, it might be different by .50), I believe it is $2 for cheese, $2.50 for pepperoni ...

That's the report for now. Have a good Tuesday ... and thanks to all the volunteers! The load is quite light when so many are willing to participate.


Day 1

Hello Everyone,

Just taking a moment to give a quick update on Day 1 of Band Camp 2.

The highlights:

· All students survived (and most did quite well) the morning session on the field, which ended a little early due to the rain.

· Indoor work in sectionals and as a larger group seemed to go well as students practiced music and learned some breathing fundamentals.

· The evening session on the field included Mr. Teller's workout/stretching routines to warm up, followed by drill work. Once again, the session ended early due to rain.

A few things to remember for the remainder of week:

· Think about what how you are fueling your body for this experience, even when you are not actually at camp. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate ... and be light with those "heavy meals", especially just prior to camp.

· Get a good night's sleep.

· Be sure to check the blog for what you are supposed to bring for meals each day ... it differs by the day.

· Remember to bring in your $$ for Fair Share, if you have not done so already.

See everyone tomorrow.

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