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Sunday, October 27, 2013

From Mr. Pirzer...
Week of 102113 
Parents and Students,
Saturday at West Port is a day none of us will soon forget, and that was before they announced the scores.  Congratulations to the students for an outstanding performance that was so good it even made the heavens weep.  Thank you to all of you who sat through and cheered on and through the "Hurricane."  A super huge thank you to the parents that came back early with the trailers and got everything unloaded so the drying process could begin.  Susie Hummel is requesting help to re-hang the uniforms at 4:30 on Monday.  Please take a moment to come into the auditorium while you wait to pick up your student from practice to help us out.
We have one more very busy week ahead of us before we get a chance to relax a little next week.  The students do not have school this Friday, but we do have a mandatory rehearsal at 1:00 PM followed by our football game that evening.
Friday is our Middle School celebration night.  We are expecting upwards of 175 MS band students from 6 different schools, and they are all converging on GHS at 3:00 PM on Friday.  Please email me at if you would be willing to come to GHS at 2:30 on Friday to help us check in and guide all of these students.  The band will be doing a rehearsal with the MS students at 3:30 to prepare for our pre-game presentation and then we will be feeding all of them plus our kids at 4:30 in the GHS cafeteria. (Desserts are needed!)
This Saturday is our District Marching Festival at Williston HS. Students will need to report at 1:00 PM for rehearsal.  GHS performs at 8:30 PM and we will arive back at GHS by 10:00 PM. The itinerary is attached to this email and directions are available in the band room.  Tickets are $10.00.

Fundraising updates!!!
If you or your student still have Krispy Kreme Donut coupons out, please return the money or coupons by this Friday.  We would like to wrap this fund raiser up by early next week and give students their credit towards fair share.
Wreath Fund Raiser:  Order forms went out to all students last week for the Holiday Wreath Fundraiser.  If you have not seen one, your little darling failed to bring it home.  This a fantastic way to raise a lot of fair share quickly.

Our next $75.00 Fair Share payment is due October 30th.  We have a lot of costs coming up including a very large bus bill for State.  
Speaking of State, the seats for the State Parent Fan bus are going quick.  Seats are $40.00 per person and it is first come first served.  Trust me, you really don't want to be driving back to Gainesville at 2:00 AM following State Championships.  The form for this is attached.
Here's what's on tap for this week:
Monday:  Full Band 3-5, Guard 3-6
Tuesday:  Horns/Guard 3-5, Percussion 5-8
Thursday:  Full Band 5-8
Friday:  Full Band 1-4, Football game vs. Citrus at Citizen's Field.
Saturday:  FBA District Marching MPA at Williston HS (Directions available in the band room.)

It's great to be a Hurricane!!

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