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Monday, August 23, 2010

Sewing Talent Needed

Message from Amy Mueller:

Hello to my fellow band parents/grandparents/friends that have a serious interest in sewing. We need some people to help make costumes/shepherd like gowns for our alternates to wear for the show (picture shepherds running around the field in long flowing gowns, helping with props and pit equipment).

I will have at least one sample gown done before our first scheduled sewing date. The only time that we can really have access to the band room (when the band isn't using it) is on Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. So, we will meet THIS Wednesday August 25th. I think that I may just start right after school and plan on being there until around 8pm. Any time that you have to spare would be great. I will bring the patterns, the fabric, and some regular sewing thread. I will be using my serger and regular sewing machine. Let me know if you are coming with a serger, and I can get some extra thread. Or if you already have off-white serger thread, that would be great. Please bring your sewing machine, ironing board, iron, scissors, pins and serger, if you have one.

Email me at or give me a call 262-1987 with any questions or to let me know if you are coming.

Thanks, and I look forward to another fun evening of sewing,
Amy Mueller ( mother of Greta- senior, and Sophie- sophomore)

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