Fair share is coming along okay. We had a great rush when the announcement was made that Daytona Beach depended upon the Fair Share payments. We are pending roughly $10,000. Student balances to be updated soon and posted on Mr. Pirzer's door.
Treasury balance: $5,458 in the general fund. A little over $5000 in the trailer fund and Ms. Sickon fund combined.
The trailer needs some minor work and service maintenance. It is expected to cost somewhere in the $100 range. We hope for a donation of time and labor.
Gatornationals update from Bruce Jennings (of course, as you know, this is now old news):
He has enough people to staff all slots!! Thinks that we're in good shape for Saturday and Sunday. They could still use some help on Thursday; however, the GHS band is not committed to providing any volunteers for Thursday. Thursday's show is essentially the same thing. Any number of people would be okay. They will take whoever shows up and combine the volunteers with their other groups.
Question on whether everyone has a ride. Mr. Pirzer gave students a list of do's and don'ts, and everyone confirmed that they had rides to Gatornationals. The biggest thing to keep in mind, other than showing up at 5:00 a.m., is that we MUST ONLY BRING COCA-COLA PRODUCTS: PowerAid, Red Bull, Desani water. We cannot bring any other brand products.
Candy bar fundraiser: Nearly completed. Tyler Parker sold 10 boxes all by himself. We only have 5 boxes left.
Cookie dough fundraiser: Cookie Dough orders are due by Friday (FYI: this date has now passed). Mr. Pirzer has only received two orders. It was noted that our cookie dough fundraiser competed against the March of Dimes and Girl Scout cookies, which probably impacted our sales.
Pancake breakfast fundraiser: Mark your calendars for April 17 - Pancake Breakfast at AppleBees. Adela Van Antwerp has agreed to chair this event. We are considering combining breakfast with a car wash if we can get enough student volunteers to wash and serve.
BREAKFAST TICKET TO MR. PIRZER -- If we can get them by next Monday, that will give us three weeks prior to spring break. (This means that you should see fundraiser tickets coming home NOW. If you haven't seen any -- ASK YOUR STUDENT FOR THEM please!
Car wash? Will we get enough kids to service both? Mr. Pirzer recommends pre-sales of car wish tickets for $5.00.
Silent auction and raffle: Our winter concert fund raiser was a big success (Thank you so much Laura and Susan) and we'd like to repeat it at our upcoming Spring concert. Some theme ideas under consideration are Beach Theme, Daytona Theme....Donations requested.
Script order: Orders should be turned in by Friday morning (already passed as of this posting).
Uf concession stands: Update provided by Ruth Dean: She's trying as hard as she can to get dates for concessions to meet our obligation to staff 9 more concession stands before the season ends. The dates for March and April weren't made available to us until March 1st. She resent our dates on March 3rd and March 8th, and was awaiting confirmation of dates.
Contract vendors for UF have been changed, but this does not affect our concession obligations. Ruth is looking at baseball, softball and lacross. She will bring in sign in sheets once we know the dates. Ruthie thinks that staffing these concessions may be easier than the staffing the football concessions as there are still band and guard members with Fair Share balances. The baseball concessions usually net between $30 - $40 a piece, depending on the weather. The good news is that less people are needed to staff these concessions (some only need 4-6 people) and the time commitment is usually shorter. It was suggested to avoid a graduation concession stand, which lasts all day. We tried to get some basketball concessions, but all slots were taken and, we did not get any.
We had over 50 contacts at the open house. In the past month or so, Westwood and Howard Bishop sent us lists of the seniors. Mr. Pirzer has created "mini" lists of call lists - groups of 10 8th grade graduates and requested parent and student volunteers to make these calls. (This should have been announced in class as well as in the Booster meeting). He has Westwood covered, but needs volunteers to call Howard Bishop, and he seeks parents whose children attended Howard Bishop.
What to talk about: Our impressions of GHS, the Cambrige program, the band, why their student should select GHS, rumor control to alleviate fears. Drum Majors and students will call students. The parents will call the parents. We're losing 16 seniors. Another 35-40 new musicians would be a great shot in the arm. JOT DOWN ANY QUESTIONS that need to be addressed by Mr. Pirzer. Mr. Pirzer will be happy to answer any questions that are elevated. Feel free to provide his e-mail address. BE SURE TO TELL THEM ABOUT CAMP I. No 8th grade night anymore, as it was not well attended in the past.
GHS BAND AUDITION MUSIC: Will be posted this week.
COLOR GUARD: Asks our assistance in also targeting color guard recruits -- boys and girls. A color guard makes or breaks the marching band and rounds out the total score, and a great color guard is what separates the great bands at the top from the good bands.
Two GHS Band Booster Officers and a Key Volunteer role are leaving us this year, and we need new volunteers to staff these important positions. We're losing our Head Uniform Mom, our Volunteer Coordinator and our Secretary. We're going to feature a series of articles on our GHS Band News blog about these positions prior to the April 19th meeting. We hope new volunteers step forward at our April 19th meeting. Per the bylaws, these positions are usually staffed for two-year stints, although we do accept parents of seniors and allow them to serve just the one year term.
RECEPTION FOR AWARDS NIGHT: Ruth Dean is coordinating this activity. The reception will serve cake and punch after the awards. If you can help, please let her know. It's a big job setting everything up and serving it up.
CONCERN AND DISCUSSION: There was discussion concerning some school fights that recently occurred at GHS, and how it might affect the recruiting environment: Mr. Pirzer assured parents that GHS encountered similar issues that all schools face, and that Dr. Dixon takes appropriate measures to promote school safety, school integrity and student honesty in dealing with these issues. Mr. Pirzer feels that GHS is a very safe campus.
It was noted that our concert and symphonic bands improved measurably between the pre-concert festival and the FBA Concert Festival. Both groups played their pieces very well. The recording from Thursday night was very good.
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