Meeting began at 7:03 PM.
President’s Report
Approved minutes from prior meeting. Motion made and seconded. All in attendance approved.
Band Director Update
- Congratulations to Guard state champions – 1st championship won by the guard in a very long time (early 90s). Very proud. 12 will be returning to the program.
- Indoor drumline – finished 11th in their class in state championships. But, they improved tremendously since the beginning of the season.
- State - 11 events, 8 superiors (4 of those distinguished), and 3 excellents.
- Daytona Beach Trip - Friday, 5/17 – Sunday, 5/19. Anyone interested needs to sign up ASAP. Students must have fair share paid and then must pay for trip in order to go. Highly encourage parents to go. Cost is $125 per student and $125 per parent. Need to have at least 10 parents. See Mr. Pirzer if you are interested.
- Dallas Brass – only about 2.5 weeks ago. Less than 100 (of 900) tickets remaining. Running an ad in Sunday’s Gainesville Sun, and will go on the SBAC website. It will sell out.
- Need a handful of volunteers to guard the doors to ensure people don’t come in without a ticket. Susie, Marlene, and Carolyn will take tickets. Need a few bouncers (5).
- Need 2 people that will be willing to sit at intermission and afterwards to sell Dallas Brass merchandise (for Dallas Brass).
- Nadine is working on getting food, etc. for Dallas Brass – email went out for people to sign up. Almost everything has since been covered, but take a look at the list to see if anything is left. Texas Roadhouse is also going to help out with the Dallas Brass members.
- Spring concert 4/30, starting at 6:30 pm (instead of 7pm) due to performance by superior solo and ensemble performers, indoor guard and drumline performance, and so forth.
- Band awards night – May 5/24, takes approximately 2 hours – cake and punch afterward. Fair share needs to be paid to receive awards. See Susie for any updates on balances.
- Section leader auditions and color guard auditions 5/6 – 5/10
- Graduation – Saturday, 6/1 – meet here at 8am, ceremony starts at 10am
- Band Camp 1 – June 10-16
Treasurer’s report - Susie
- Bank balance: $1,303.09
- Outstanding Fair Share: $15,755.95 – Updated list was put on Mr. Pirzer’s door at end of booster meeting. Please contact Susie Hummel ( if you have any questions.
- Upcoming Expenses: Buses to Daytona
- Outstanding Expenses:
- Bus Bills - $3,000 (from the fall = football games, competitions)
- Neff - $3,000
- Also, awards need to be ordered and there will be the final staff checks for the indoor staff.
Fair Share
Some thoughts to improve the situation for future years –
- Carpool to Showcase? Can we get 30 parents to bring students?
- We can go and get Commercial Driver Licenses and go pick up busses and drive ourselves, and just pay mileage. Mr. P is considering doing this.
- Silent Auctions – virtual and actual.
- Donors Choose –
- Mr. Pirzer and others will research each of these and see what can be done.
- Transportation costs are killing us – very expensive to get the band where it needs to go.
- Discussed several different options, which Mr. Pirzer will take under consideration.
Fundraising- Cindy Mason
- Spring Concert baskets – communication went out already. Items were suggested by marching band section, but feel free to send other things. Everything due by April 24th. Need to beat Oak View (Lori Pirzer’s school), who had 54 baskets at their holiday concert.
- Family night at Zaxby’s on 4/22 – see flyer. Only the Main St. location – NOTE, NOT 43rd STREET! Monday night has a good meal deal.
- Dominos pizza cards still available – Send handout for this! Pay $10, $9 goes to fair share.
- Cans are still being collected for recycle.
- Tax program – 32 GHS-related people have had (or signed up to have) taxes done through the H&R Block program. Approximately $640 will get donated to GHS Band as a result.
Uniforms – Susie Hummel
No Report
Hospitality – Lea Musselwhite
Lea has the materials to make
the items for senior night - 5/24. Anyone
that wants to assist putting things together after 4:30pm on May 13, it would be appreciated.
Next meeting: May 13,
Meeting adjourned approximately 8:15 pm.