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Thursday, February 21, 2013

GHS Band News and Notes - 2/21/13

Parents and Students,
I just wanted to give some updates to you about our upcoming events over the next few weeks.
First of all, time is running out to buy discounted Dallas Brass tickets.  Orders are due to me by Thursday, February 28th to receive the discount.  I have attached the order form to this email.  Please do not miss the chance to see this world renowned group live in the GHS Auditorium on April 26th.  Visit to see some videos and learn more about the Dallas Brass.
Next, we are taking sign ups for Gatornationals Parking.  The event days are Saturday, March 16th and Sunday, March 17th.  Students will earn $50.00 per person per day and we can sign up family members, friends or anyone middle school age and older to work.  Money made from this event can help pay off fair share, rental fees or the Daytona trip.  Please have your student come see me in the band office to sign up, spots are becoming very limited.  I will be passing out detailed information to those who sign up next week. 
Speaking of Daytona, our annual beach trip is scheduled for May 17th - 19th.  The cost of the trip is $125.00 per student or adult.  To be eligible to attend, students must have all of their fair share, instrument rental fees, indoor drum line or guard fees paid in full before they can go on the Daytona trip.  You may use the Gatornationals as a way to raise a lot of money for this.  Last year, we had one family raise $500.00 just by parking cars at Gatornationals.  (See notes above).  Feel free to send in Daytona money at anytime.  A fresh fair share list will be posted on Friday.
Here's whats coming up event wise over the next few weeks.
Friday, Feb 22.  Solo and Ensemble at Buchholz HS.  Many of our students are participating throughout the evening.  The guard will be perfroming at 7:10 PM in the BHS gym.  Admission is free and this would be a great chance to see our girls perform close to home.
Thursday, Feb 28:  Pre-Festival Concert for the Concert and Symphonic Bands, 7:00 PM in the GHS Auditorium.  Students will need to report by 6:15 PM.  This is a great opportunity to see how the judges evaluate the bands at District Festival.  We will have numerous band directors from other schools with us to evaluate and critique our performances.
Thursday, March 14th:  FBA District Concert Festival at Eastside HS, Concert Band performs at 7:00 PM and Symphonic Band performs at 8:30 PM.  Admission is free!
Saturday, March 9th:  Indoor Drum Line Show at Nease HS, times TBA
Saturday, March 16th:  Indoor Drum Line and Guard Show at Fleming Island HS, times TBA
That's all for now.  As always, feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Band Booster Meeting Minutes - 02/11/2013

Meeting began at 7:02  PM.

President’s Report
Approved minutes from prior meeting.  Motion made and seconded.  All in attendance approved.

Band Director Update
  • Wednesday, 2/13 – drum major auditions - 3pm in band room.  Probably will not announce the new drum majors until next week.
  • Friday, 2/22 - Solo and ensemble - Preliminary times have already been given to all who are participating, and has been no indication at this point that those times have changed.
  • Thursday, 2/28 - Pre (district) festival concert - 7pm in GHS auditorium.  Will have guest judges.
  • Thursday, 3/14 - FBA District Concert Festival – 7pm Concert Band, 9pm Symphonic band at Eastside.  Students will travel there and back on the buses. 
  • Saturday, 3/9 - Indoor drumline performance– Nease High School
  • Saturday, 3/16 - Both Indoor Drumline and Color Guard - Fleming Island
  • Saturday, 3/23 - Color Guard performs at Fletcher HS
  • Saturday, 3/23 March of Dimes – morning performance at annual walk.  More details to follow – participating students get 12 volunteer hours.

The remaining dates were not discussed at this meeting but I pulled them off of last month’s minutes to keep everyone aware:
  • Monday, 3/25State Solo and ensemble performances for those individual students who made superior ratings – Westport High School in Ocala.  This is during spring break
  • Thursday, 5/2 - State concert Festival at USF, Tampa. In order for the bands to go, they must earn superior ratings at the FBA District Concert Festival
  • Indoor state competition– Ocean Center in Daytona Beach
    • Color guard – Friday, 4/5
    • Indoor – Saturday, 4/6

Next Year competition dates:  Tentative
  • 10/12 Showcase– Gators at LSU
  • 10/19 Westport (Ocala) – Gators at Miss
  • 10/26 FBA Districts Columbia (tentative location) – no Gator game
  • 11/9 North Marion – Gators playing Vanderbilt – homecoming
  • 11/23 State Competition
  • GHS will probably remain as 4a, but not sure.

Haven’t finalized GHS football schedule yet.  Football team moved up to 7a from 6a, and will have a new coach.

First concert for symphonic and concert band – 7pm, 2/28, at GHS
ALL students, regardless of what band they are in, must have a white tuxedo shirt.  Please try on before the day of the concert and make sure it fits properly.
  • Concert band – all must wear black dress pants, shoes, socks
  • Symphonic band - boys – must wear black pants, will be fitted for concert jacket provided by the band, and must wear black shoes and socks
  • Symphonic girls – will be fitted for concert skirt provided by band, and must wear black shoes and socks

Mens Wearhouse by Toys R Us has tuxedo shirts for $20

Dallas Brass Tickets
Don’t wait to get your tickets as the event will likely sell out.
Dallas Brass will perform at GHS on April 26th. GHS students and families may pre-purchase tickets for $9 (see handout).  Need to receive payment and orders by February 28 to receive discounted rate.  Everyone (including students and parents) will need to purchase a ticket to come to the concert except for members of the symphonic band, who will be performing with the Dallas Brass.  We are expecting a sell-out before the night of the concert.  Tickets at the door will be $15 if there are any available.  Please don’t wait.  Get these in as soon as possible.  Make checks out to GHS band boosters.  Check or cash.  Once we go out to general public, tickets will be $10 each, and a PayPal option will be available on the website, but there will be  $2 service charge.

Starting March 1st, we will have a new GHS band website and we will be able to use PayPal for fair share, among other things.  Mr. Pirzer will let us know when that site is ready and the web address will be communicated at that time.

Treasurer’s report  - Susie Hummel
$2,914.20 – bank balance, still have approximately $20,000 in fair share outstanding.

Known upcoming expenses:
$1000 indoor drumline uniforms
$750 indoor drumline staff
$1,164.20 – ending balance after expenses

Fundraising-  Cindy Mason
Only fundraiser right now is Domino’s (see attachment).
H & R Block Fundraiser (see attachment).

Gatornationals –
Weekend of 3/16 and 3/17
Need 40 people – 8 students, the rest parents or other family members.  Each person earns $50 per day to go towards fair share. First 40 people who sign up on the list get the opportunity to work.  Once you are done parking cars, you can go in and watch.
Indoor drumline has a performance on 3/16, so they will not be able to participate on that day.

Sign up list to go up end of this week in the band room
Volunteers must be middle school aged and older.

Uniform Report – Susie Hummel
Almost done fitting symphonic uniforms.
Marching Band Uniforms need to be cleaned before putting them up in storage for this school year.

Hospitality – Lea Musselwhite
Will be meeting with Mr. Pirzer after this booster meeting.  More info to come.

Next meeting:  March 11, 2013

Meeting adjourned approximately 7:20pm.