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Monday, November 12, 2012

Band Booster Meeting Minutes - 11/12/12

Meeting began at 7:05  PM.

President’s Report
Approved minutes from prior meeting.  Motion made and seconded.  All in attendance approved.

Band Director Update
  • Thanks to all for everything that has been done to support the band.
  • Don’t know what to expect for Saturday.  Very competitive class.  If we don’t make finals, we leave right after preliminaries.  In our class, there are 6 bands who have won state championships in last 2 years.
  • On Friday, students need to be here at 7:45am.  Parent, please drive students to school and be patient with the whole bus process.  If students drive and are leaving their cars overnight, park on the upper end of Hurricane Lane.  Same with parents who want to leave their cars overnight. Do not park in the dirt lot.  Student car keys will be locked in Mr. Pirzer’s office so they don’t get lost in Tampa. Parents are welcomed to leave their car keys there, as well.
  • Students need to be dressed in blue/ red shirts (preferably the sector shirts).  Price is now $5, so if you don’t have a sector shirt, now is the time to get one.
  • For those parents riding the bus, please be here at 8am, as well, as you will be helping with the bag-checking process.
  • If kids bring energy drinks, they will be thrown away.  All drinks must be in sealed containers.  No candy.
  • All parents, please pack good food for your students and yourselves for Friday lunch.  We will not be stopping anywhere to eat on the way to the high school for afternoon practice.  We will be going to the mall for dinner.
  • Saturday – you may want to pack lunch and dinner food for Saturday, as well.  We will be warming up 11:30, perform 12:26, and there will not be time for students to go into the Dome to get any kind of food before prelim performances.   
  • We will not be leaving the Dome at all after we arrive – so you will need to provide $$$ for food (for after prelims and finals), or pack enough food for those meals.
  • Student clothes – they need their practice uniform (with sector shirts, purple shirts, and shorts), mall clothes, sleeping clothes.  No need for multiple suitcases per student.
  • Dr. Berry will be with us the whole time.  Also have parents who are nurses.  Students can handle their medication needs, but must let Dr. Berry know they have medication in the event of emergency.

All students received a multi-page handout with specifics for the competition trip.  Please ask your own child for it and read it.

Competition Parking
Only busses and trailers can park together.  All others must park in a designated spectator area.  Fees (CASH ONLY) are as follows:
  • $10 parking
  • $14 for prelims, under age 6 free.
  • $20 for finals, under age 6 free.

 Awards for preliminaries will be around 1:15pm.

Go to and click on Regional Events to see the complete preliminary schedule.

For Finals, the order is picked randomly.
2 different judging panels from prelims to finals.  Theoretically, the finals judges don’t know the scores and placement from preliminaries.

90% of judges have not seen any of these shows.

Thursday’s Rehearsal and Trailer Loading
  • Thursday’s rehearsal is different than other Thursday’s – 4pm-7pm, then load trailers.  Trailers will be loaded in place, so no need for drivers to pull them out.
  • Friday – We have to wait until busses clear before we can hook trailers up – around 8:30am.

Miscellaneous State Competition Info:
  • At Tropicana, be sure to cheer in the beginning.  It was noticeably silent at north Marion.
  • Don’t clap on the chant- it confuses the band.  Yell, hoot, and holler, just don’t clap.
  • Everyone reiterated that the show is the fan favorite, and it has been a great experience creating and supporting everything that has to do with the show.  Students and parents have really pulled together, and students have shown great pride in their parents’ participation.
  • Will get driving directions and any other specific instructions out mid-week, so be sure to check your email.  One piece of advanced notice – please be sure to leave early enough in the morning to get to the Dome on time.
  • No videotaping allowed.  Professional videos will be available for order afterward. Takes a month or so to get the videos.

 Student Pictures
Students got their pictures last week, orders are due this Thursday.

Treasurer’s report  - Susie Hummel
Bank account has $1800, which will not cover all of our upcoming expenses.  Please pay fair share.

Fundraising-  Cindy Mason
  • Susie H.  Picture buttons – Mr. Pirzer will have them in his office until Friday.  $10 for the first 2, then $5 for each individual one ordered.
  • Wreaths – grossed $3,800, will make approx $1,000 to fair share accounts.  Holiday wreaths will come in week of 12/3.
  • Domino’s pizza cards are $10 each - $9 goes to fair share – must pay in advance to get the cards.  These are only good at local Domino’s.
  • Baskets for holiday concert – Will send out an email with additional details.
  • Other ideas for holiday fundraising are welcomed.

Concession Report – Ruth Dean
Made $6,448 so far in concessions/ 37 people participated. We have grown to 6 stands.  A couple of families worked many games … Very impressive to see students and families working to make their fair share payments.  Our students worked so hard on showing the purple pride.  We got close to $100 in tips each game.

VP/ Volunteer Coordinator Report
Mike Grantham wasn’t in attendance.  A follow up email will come to pit crew with any further instructions.

Uniform Report – Susie Hummel
Nothing new. Will load up Thursday night.

Hospitality – Ruth Dean
Nothing to report.

Other business
Football team has made the playoffs. Will most likely win and we will send a pep band the day after Thanksgiving, and maybe future playoff games if school will pay the expenses.  Students who are not in town the day after Thanksgiving will not be expected to attend.  Note:  Marching season ends on Saturday, so the band will not be marching.  They will only be playing in the stands.

Next meeting: December 10, 2012

Meeting adjourned approximately 8:20 pm.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Parents and Students,
The end is very near.  This is our last week of marching band and it is also the most important week of marching band.  I encourage all of you to attend our booster meeting tomorrow night for all of the information about our trip this weekend.  At this point, I have one male and one female spot left for the bus and rooms for the trip.  I hope everyone will have the chance to make it down to State this weekend.  Remember that parking is $10.00 at Tropicana Field and Tickets are $14.00 for prelims and $20.00 for Finals.   They only accept cash for parking and tickets so please be prepared for that.

Here is what's coming up this week:
Monday:  Full Band 3:00 to 5:00,  Booster Meeting, 7:00 PM
Tuesday:  Horns 3:00 to 5:00, Pit/Battery/Guard  5:30 to 8:30
Thursday:  4:00 to 7:00 followed by the ceremonial loading of the trailers
Friday:  Students report by 8:00 AM and buses leave at 9:00 AM
Saturday:  Prelims time 12:12 PM

Remember, come to the Booster meeting on Monday Night.

Items needed for State Competition/ Booster Meeting Monday Night

Greetings all ...

Just sending a note to ask for donations for our final competition of the season, which is the big one, of course!  The band needs small bottles of water (8oz size is best), and bananas.  The waters can be dropped off at the band room any time this week up until just before we leave Friday morning, and bananas on Friday morning only, please.

Also, reminder that there is a band booster meeting tomorrow (Monday) at 7pm.  At that time, Mr. Pirzer will be sharing all of the details relating to next weekend's competition, so it is an important meeting to attend.

Finally, the band picture pins were quite the hit yesterday.  If you didn't pick yours' up yesterday, they will be available at the booster meeting.  They are $10 for the first 2, then $5 for each one after that (orders for these additional buttons will be taken at the meeting, as well).  Remember that the photographer has generously donated much of the proceeds of these sales to the general band fund so you not only get a great product ... the band also benefits.

Hope to see you at the booster meeting tomorrow ...

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 11/5/12

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone had a restful weekend off.  We are now down to two weeks left in the marching season and only 6 rehearsals.  There are still quite a few changes and adjustments coming to the show.  I hope that everyone will be able to join us at the North Marion competition this weekend.  I have attached the itinerary to this email.  Tickets are $10.00 for adults for the whole day.
I still have a few seats left on the bus for State.  I have also attached that form to this email. 
Here is a look at the week ahead..
Monday:  Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM
Tuesday:  Horns 3:00 to 5:00, Pit/Battery/Guard  5:30 to 8:30
Thursday:  Full Band 5:30 to 8:30
Friday:  No School, No Rehearsal:  On the calendar it says that we have a 3:00 to 6:00 Full Band Rehearsal scheduled.  This is a typo.  I never intended to have a rehearsal on this day, but somehow I put it on the calendar.  Very sorry for the confusion.
Be Sure to join us at the Band Booster meeting on Monday, November 12th at 7:00 PM.  I will have all of the details about the State Trip.