Yes, it is I, the GHS Band volunteer coordinator, the one you were afraid you would hear from, the one who imminent email signifies something that you know all too well is coming at you like a train through the tunnel,BAND CAMP II.
And yes, I need volunteers to work with the kids, especially the new ones, to make them feel welcome, to keep them cooled off, to make sure they get to where they need to be, to make sure they have something to eat, to keep Pirzer straight (wait a minute, I think that is Ms. Sickon’s job this year). The veterans know what to do, and I need some of you new parents to come along side of us to learn the ins and outs of how to help at Band Camp, what to do, what not to do, etc….
Volunteering at Band Camp is fun; it helps you understand how the band operates, what is involved with putting on a marching season that constantly ranks in the top three in the state, you get to know the kids, you get to know other parents, you network, you sweat, you learn to appreciate air conditioning, you get to know the staff, you figure out the shortest path from the GHS cafeteria/band room to the baseball field, and above all else, you get to witch your own kid grow up a little.
Band Camp II (referred to as BCII) will run from 9am to 9pm everyday starting August 6th (Saturday) through August 12th (Friday) with the exception of Sunday the 7th. The end of BCII on Friday will culminate in a very informative band booster/parent meeting (more info to come on that) and a performance on the baseball field (remember, you found out how to get there). A typical day at band camp starts on the field, coming into the cafeteria for the hottest part of the day for sectionals and then back out to the field in the late afternoon/evening. Accordingly, volunteering at BCII gives you the option of helping out in one of seven areas, or more, depending on your time constraints. The areas are: set-up (starts at 8 am) , 1st shift from 9 – 1, lunch help, 2nd shift from 1 – 5, dinner help, 3rd shift from 5 – 9 and then laundry help every night (wash/dry towels).
Set-up – Get here between 8 and 9 am and set out chairs, pop-up tents and mister tent. Prep ice, water, Gator-Aid, towels in ice water and snacks. Help kids get equipment down to field.
1st shift – Monitor kids as they practice, build new friendships with other band supporters. Perform typical parental supervision and problem solving. Make sure kids get plenty of ice/water, cold towels, and sun protection.
Lunch – One or two parents to monitor lunch and wipe down tables afterwards.
2nd shift – Sectionals do not require as much parent involvement as field work so this is a lighter shift, 1 or 2 volunteers required.
Dinner – One or two parents to monitor dinner and wipe down tables afterwards.
3rd shift – Similar to 1st shift except night shift will also help with tear down and storage of equipment in band room for next day. Empty coolers, bag used towels, help get equipment back to band room.
Laundry – Volunteer to take a bag of wet towels home, wash (no Clorox), dry and bring back the next day. Do not fold, just put them back in a bag and send ‘em back, clean.
Contact me at the number or email listed below to let me know where to plug you in at. CALL NOW, the lines are open. You can also talk to me about the infamous PIT CREW and how you can get plugged into this elite team. We have a few openings so do not hesitate, remember, I have awesome bling for PIT CREW members.
More information about dinner every night of Band Camp 2 will be posted on the band blog - http://ghsbandnews.blogspot.
Contact: Mike Grantham, Volunteer Coordinator – or 352 373 2866
So you want to know what’s going on; you want to know who is who, VOLUNTEER and get connected. That’s how you find out how other parents have survived this thing we all love call band season.