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Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/31/10

What a great weekend. Southern Showcase was a huge success and the band is starting to hit its stride. We only have two and a half weeks to go until state so keep practicing and let's make a big push to the end. We have an opportunity to do some great things at State, so let's take full advantage.
Thank you to everyone that made Showcase a huge success. It was really neat to see so many parents, alumni and friends in the stands and in the parking lot!! A huge thank you to those that made the ribbons possible. They meant everything to a lot of people on Saturday.
Here's a look at the week ahead...
  • Monday: After School Rehearsal Canceled, The kids have earned it.
  • Tuesday: Band Pictures taken during class. Nothing special needed, just show up to class.
  • Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery and Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Thursday: Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Friday: Full Band 3:00 to 6:00 PM
Don't forget, our next show is November 13th at North Marion High School in Sparr. Details to come soon.

Additional note from Carolyn:

Parents, we continue to need donations of bottled water and snacks (prepackaged crackers, granola bars, bananas). The smaller (8 oz) bottles of water work best, although we certainly won't turn away the bigger sizes. Please bring any donations to the band room. Also, thanks to all parents who helped with uniforms this week and weekend. We really appreciate it!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser this Friday, 10/29/10

Reminder: The Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser is this Friday, from 5pm to 7pm, and in addition to dinners for those who purchased tickets, there will also be dinners available for purchase. There will be cupcakes and brownies for sale, as well. Please come out and support the band!

Sad News

Today, the GHS Band Family and the entire state of Florida lost a very special person. Jon Kersten, founder of FMBC, the coordinator of our State Championships, and drill writer for GHS and numerous other bands lost his bout with cancer. Those of you that knew Jon know how passionate he was about the pagentry arts and the students involved with it. He presence will be severely missed as we venture to State this year.
In rememberance of Jon, the GHS Band will wear a small black ribbon on our uniforms for Showcase this Saturday and at State FMBC on November 20th. We will be creating these ribbons on Friday, October 29th between 5:00 and 7:00 PM in the band room. All you need to bring is your willingness to help.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wreath Fundraiser

Please ask your students to show you the ordering brochure for the wreath fundraiser which he/she will receive in band today (10/27). The costs are: $25 for wreaths and various other items, $22 for sprays. Orders are due in two weeks (11/10). Products which are coming to warm climates are specially treated to last longer. The wreaths and sprays are beautiful! Wreaths will be delivered to GHS, so pick up will be at the band room - week of delivery is Dec. 13. Approximately $5 per product will go to the selling student's fair share.

Itinerary for Southern Showcase Competition

Uniform Assistance for week of 10/24/10

Below is a summary of the Uniform Assistance needed:

  • Thursday, 10/28 - Bibbers that were taken home for washing are due back in the band room.
  • Friday, 10/29 - Uniforms will be reassembled and bagged at 12:30pm and at 5pm. Parents of the Flute and Battery sections have been asked to assist.
  • Saturday, 10/30 - After we return from the Showcase competition, help is needed to lay the uniforms out on the auditorium chairs. Any and all parents are requested to assist.
  • Sunday, 10/31 - Uniforms will be inspected and rebagged beginning at 2pm, in the GHS auditorium. Parents of the Guard and Mellophone sections have been asked to assist.

Please email if you can assist.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/24/10

First, thank you to everyone who helped and supported the students at FBA. Their performance was fantastic. I (Mr. Pirzer) really look forward to the next few weeks as we perfect this incredible show.

This coming Saturday is Southern Showcase at Santa Fe HS. I hope everyone will be able to make it out the show to support our kids. Our prelims performance will be at 2:45. Finals will begin at 7:00 PM so we will perform some time between 7:00 and 9:00 PM. Admission is $10.00.

Also, please send in all BBQ Chicken Dinner money tomorrow. We need to let the folks at Hills BBQ know how many dinners to prepare.
  • Monday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM (Crazy Hat/sock day)
  • Tuesday: Horns 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit Battery and Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM (Inside out Day)
  • Thursday: Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM (All Black Day) AND Fair Share Due
  • Friday: Full Band 12:00 to 6:00 PM (Purple and White Day) The Chicken Dinners will be available for pick up between 5:00 and 7:00 PM on Friday.
  • Saturday: Southern Showcase @ Santa Fe

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time Change for Thursday's Football Game

Thursday (10/21) night's football game versus Brooksville Central HS has been moved to a 7:00 PM kickoff. Senior night activities will start at 6:30 PM so senior parents please be at the stadium by 6:15 PM to line up for introductions. Pit Crew can still get there at the same time and the band will still arrive at 6:00 PM like normal.
Please be at GHS by 10:00 PM to pick up your students. This game should go pretty quick so we should not have any issues getting back to school by 10:00 PM.
Students will have study halls during their band/guard class period on Friday.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/17/10

Here is a glimpse at this week.
  • Monday, 10/18: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday, 10/19: Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday, 10/20: Full Band 3:00 to 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, 10/21: Football Game vs. Central HS, report at 3:00 PM Senior Night, Senior Parents please plan to attend and escort your senior. Parents should be at Citizens Field by 6:30 PM for senior introductions.
  • Friday, 10/22: Full Band 3:00 to 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, 10/23: FBA District Marching Festival @ Columbia HS (your student is receiving the itinerary and info today in class, ask for it)
Looking ahead to next week:
We have our Chicken BBQ next Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Please preorder/pay for your dinners if you plan on picking them up after practice. We are not ordering but a few extra meals. We need money and unsold tickets returned by Monday, October 25th.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Parent Bus and Hotel Package for State Competition

10/11/10 Band Booster Meeting Minutes

Band booster president, Frank Mason, began the meeting at 7:05pm by asking for a motion to approve the minutes of the 9/13/10 meeting. Motion was made and was seconded, all approved.

Band Director Update

Mr. Pirzer explained the marching band competition classification system. It is based on the number of brass and wind instruments that are marched, as indicated below:

# winds/brass












In competitions other than the state competition, bands may compete in a higher classification, but not lower. In state competition, bands must complete in the correct class.

GHS marches 64 winds/brass and is, therefore, in the 3A classification.

Mr. Pirzer then explained block scoring.

When entries are submitted in time for the early submission deadline for states, they are then randomly selected for order of performance in the preliminary round. Those bands chosen early are assigned a later slot. So, for example, the first band randomly selected gets to perform last in its class (performing later is better), and the last band randomly selected will perform first.

Once competition season starts, bands have an opportunity to change that order based on how well they do (how many points they score) in a given competition. A points threshold is establish for each week of competition, and if the band achieves that score or higher, they move up in the pecking order (or block). The earlier a band blocks, the higher it moves up, and once it blocks, it doesn’t have to block again.

The thresholds are as follows:

Week of

Points threshold











The good news is that GHS blocked in the Chiefland competition with a score of 79.1, putting us second to last in the performance order at preliminaries. Another 3A band (I don’t recall the school) blocked the week before, so it will perform last.

Mr. Pirzer also talked about the 10/14 GHS/BHS football game and discussed that he will offer to have GHS play post game so both schools can perform their full shows. Parents in attendance thought that was a good idea. Also, discussed the “social” that Westside Baptist Church was sponsoring for both bands in the parking lot of Citizens’ Field, at 6pm on game day.

Mr. Pirzer reviewed the upcoming calendar for October:

Next week (week of 10/17), is our last Thursday night game (10/21), which is also senior night. This means no pregame as the senior ceremonial section will take place during that time.

Next Saturday (10/23), is the competition at Districts (Columbia HS, Lake City), performance time is around 8pm (one and done, no preliminaries) A full timeline indicating when students will be required to be at GHS, and all other details, will be sent out next week.

Following Saturday (10/30), is the Southern Showcase competition. There will be 17+ bands participating. This is an important competition to the students as they set out to reclaim their 1st place title this year (last year they came in 2nd to BHS).

Mr. Pirzer distributed a flyer with information about the Parent Bus and Hotel package deal for the state finals competition. The package deal is $65 per person for hotel and bus for the 2 day trip. At this point, only the package deal is available – not the separate components. See attached flyer for further details.


Suzanne Clark reviewed the GHS Band Booster current financial status and fair share update. While I won’t put actual $$ figures in here, the key highlights are:

  • Most successful (from a $$ perspective) fundraiser – Gator Concessions
  • Biggest expenditure – Staff
  • Fair Share is coming in nicely.

Suzanne will need to pay the deposit for the buses and other items related to the state competition very soon, so the $$ need to keep coming in.


  • Jill Burleson reminded us that SCRIP orders are due this week (no later than Friday, 10/15). Turnaround time has been very quick – as in 5 days or so.

  • Barbecue tickets are currently on sale - $8 each – due 10/25. Event is 10/29, day before Showcase (no school for students that day, however they will be practicing all afternoon). Parents were/are encouraged to feed the family and deliver dinners to neighbors, as well.

  • Ruth Dean and Liz Brown shared the results of the Gator Concessions (very successful), and let us know that they are learning more about how to best schedule so that it is a worthwhile undertaking at every game.

  • Laura Netardus is working on the contact information for the wreath fundraiser. Kathy Grantham will coordinate this fundraiser.

  • We will likely also add the pasta sales fundraiser, which Eunice Coughlin will be investigating.

  • Randy Handel let us know of two requests (which he has already filled) for help for setup of booths for the downtown arts festival. He will provide additional info to entire band if he gets more requests for help.

Volunteer News

Mike Grantham thanked all volunteers (Uniform Committee, Pit Crew, Fundraising, board members, and especially those trailer haulers) for helping everything go so smoothly. Ok, so he didn’t quite say it like that … I am just trying to lighten things up a bit! Seriously, though, it takes a lot of volunteer effort to support a band program, and Mike made sure to let everyone know all efforts were/are appreciated. Mike also made it clear that each volunteer subgroup tends to its own recruitment and volunteer needs, which makes his job a whole lot easier. Thanks to Mike for all that he does!

Mr. Pirzer helped to clarify timing issues regarding getting equipment off the field. He says we did fine, although Mike G. said a judge told us we needed to speed it up. According to Mr. Pirzer, as long as we get the equipment/ tents passed the end zone, we should be okay.

Adela also wanted to thank everyone for help with uniforms, alterations, etc. The uniform committee has implemented a new routine for the “uniform repair and rebagging” process that happens the day following an event. Each time, a section of band parents will be asked to help. First week was the trumpet section (worked very well), next is baritones.


Laura Netardus thanked Mr. Pirzer for enabling the band to participate in the Haile event (the Brain Tumor Walk) a few weeks ago. The person for whom the event was honoring was a former GHS student and she was present at the event. As Mr. Pirzer said (and all parents agreed), it was nice for everyone to get out of the regular day-to-day routine and be involved in something that has some intense meaning to it.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30pm.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Competition News/The Week Ahead (week of 10/10/10)

Congratulations to the students for their Grand Championship at the Chiefland Competiton over the weekend and, perhaps even more important, was the 79.1 they scored in prelims which allowed to block and puts us in a GREAT position for State prelims. I will take some time to explain exacetely how important blocking is at the booster meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 PM.

Also, a huge thank you to all of the parents that helped move all of the "stuff" on and off the field. You have no idea how much of a relief it was to see our prince and princess tents standing proud and when we flipped the switch, the sound work flawlessly. Both are adding a huge amount to the production and our judges made points to mention both during our critique.

With all of that said, the show is anything but done. What you saw Saturday was just a shell of what is to come. We still have 20 more sets of drill to learn and they are going to be 20 of the most challenging and impressive sets yet.

This week is a weird schedule week because of the Thursday Football Game and a well deserved 3 day weekend.

Monday: Full Band 3:00 - 5:00 PM Band Booster Meeting @ 7:00 PM
Tuesday: Horn Line 3:00 - 5:00 PM Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Wednesday: Full Band 3:00 - 6:00 PM (SCRIP orders are due)
Thursday: Football Game vs Buchholz (we are the home team)

On Thursday (at the football game), the nice folks from Westside Baptist Church are hosting a Cookout Social for the GHS and BHS Bands. We will be meeting with the BHS Band at 6:00 PM at Citizens Field for this really neat social opportunity. Come early to the game to join us. They will provide burgers and dogs and we will provide a vegeterian option, so please have your student come see me so I can make sure we provide enough for those students.

We will be hosting a Chicken BBQ Dinner at GHS on Friday, October 29th. We have the day off from school, but we will have a practice from 12:00 to 6:00 because Showcase is the next day. Please check out tickets with me in the office. Our goal is to presell at least 500 dinners, which is less than 5 tickets per student. What better way to celebrate the day before Showcase than eating a yummy BBQ Chicken Dinner?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chicken BBQ Fundraiser

Tickets for the Chicken Barbecue fundraiser are now available from Mr. Pirzer.

This fundraiser works as follows:
  • Students sign out tickets (5 tickets per envelope) and are responsible for either selling the tickets for $8 each, or returning the unused tickets.
  • A ticket will get you a Chicken BBQ dinner, consisting of a half chicken, cole slaw, baked beans, and a roll, from Hills BBQ, between 5 and 7pm on Friday, 10/29/10.
  • Note that there is no school on this day, and the students will be practicing from 12noon to 6pm for the Southern Showcase competition, which takes place the next day.
  • Dinners will be packaged and may be eaten at GHS (perhaps while you are watching the tail end of the day's practice), or they may be brought home/ delivered to others. Your choice.
  • A portion of the proceeds from the ticket sales will go into the student's fair share account.
  • All $$ and unused tickets are due back to Mr. Pirzer by 10/25/10 (Monday) so that the correct amount of dinners can be ordered.
  • Do not count on being able to buy dinners on the day of the event (without advanced ticket purchase) as we will cut into the fundraising $$ if we order extra and they don't get sold.
Any questions, please email

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chiefland Competition Schedule Available Now

The schedule for the Chiefland competition is posted to the GHS band website (click on link below):

Go to the Itineraries tab to view the actual schedule. Maps to the event are available in the band room, so you may want to ask your students to bring one home (if they haven't already).

Any questions, email