We will have our first competition next Saturday, October 9th at Chiefland HS. A detailed itinerary will be available after Mr. Pirzer receives the schedule.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/27/10
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Brain Tumor Awareness Walk
Below are the details for the performance at the Brain Tumor Awareness Walk, which is taking place this coming Wednesday, September 29th, from 5:30PM – 7:00PM.
- Students are to meet at the “Perfect Gift” gift shop in Haile Village by 5:30PM. A map has been provided by Mr. Pirzer, extra copies of which are in the band room. For those who have GPS devices, the address is: 5202 SW 91st Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32608-7124. Parking will be in a nearby lot, off of SW 52nd Rd.
- Be on time!! Students need to be there no later than 5:30PM to set up and warm up. Note that there will likely be traffic on any route you take, given the time of day, so plan accordingly.
- Dress will be the travel uniform and sneakers. GHS band hats are also permitted.
- Instruments will be brought over in a UHaul, or students may bring their own. In either case, students are responsible for remembering to either bring the instrument or put it in the UHaul after morning band class.
- Students are responsible for getting to the site. Carpooling is encouraged as parking may be a challenge depending on the popularity of the event.
- Students are to bring their stands music. Music stands will be brought over in the UHaul.
- After the performance, everyone is expected to help load the truck before leaving. The unloading process will happen the next morning.
Any questions, please send an email to ghsbandnews@gmail.com or directly to Mr. Pirzer at pirzerb@gm.sbac.edu.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/20/10
Friday: Homecoming Game vs. West Port. Students report at 3:00 PM. Lettermen Jacket Order forms due!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
GHS Band Booster Meeting minutes 091310
Band booster president, Frank Mason, opened the meeting by announcing that the intent was to make the meetings move along more quickly, so we would get right to the agenda.
The band has performances for the next 3 consecutive Fridays, however the middle game (on 9/24) is homecoming so there will not be a show performance during half time. Instead, the full band will play for the homecoming court.
For this Friday’s game, each student needs to contribute $1 toward the food that is being partially donated by Jimmy John’s. Donations of chips, bananas, apples, and other similar snack items are requested of parents.
Note that this Friday (9/17) is going to be a long day for the band students, beginning with an early morning Pep Rally. Band students need to be at school at 7:45am (Students, please wear band shirts). Students will leave for the game (on buses) between 5:30pm and 6pm. Parents should arrive at Citizen’s Field no later than 7:10pm if they would like to see the pregame show. Volunteer parents, if you arrive at the game at 6, there will be no one checking the gates. If you arrive later, you will need to go to the pass gate and your name will be checked against a list of volunteer names submitted by Mike Grantham. You are welcomed to caravan over to the game from GHS, or simply meet at the field. Everyone (except for Pit Crew, who will have their own shirts) should wear his/her band booster shirt to the game. If you don’t have one, Mr. Pirzer has them for sale for $25.
The 9/17 game is a bit unusual in that the visiting team (Santa Fe) will play at the end of the game, instead of at half time. GHS students will stay to watch Santa Fe, and Mr. Pirzer requested that the parents stay, as well.
Other Events
As noted on the calendar, All State auditions are this Saturday. The students who are participating know who they are.
Please take particular note of next weeks’ practice schedule. It is different than the norm due to the open house on Tuesday evening. Pit/Battery/Guard will have their late practice on Monday versus Tuesday. Also, there is no night rehearsal next Thursday (9/23) … practice will be 3-5 instead. PLEASE CHECK THE CALENDAR.
Gator Dockside Breakfast is 9/25. More tickets need to be sold!
State Championship
Mr. Pirzer reiterated there will not be a National Competition, as was announced in the meeting at the end of Band Camp 2.
Band will depart for state championship on Friday morning, 11/19, and will practice at a high school in Tampa for a couple of hours. Then, students will be taken to the movies (or some similar activity) to relax. Actual competition is the next day, Saturday 11/20, with the preliminary rounds to be held at Chamberlain High School, and the Finals to be held at the baseball stadium. Rooms for Friday night have already been reserved at a Days Inn for all students, and 40 parents (20 double occupancy rooms). Cost for parents for package deal (parent bus and room) will be $65 per person. These will only be available as a package, not separately, and bus will leave when student buses leave (Friday morning). Let Mr. Pirzer know if you want to participate in the parent bus/hotel arrangement.
Student Absences
According to Mr. Pirzer, we have yet to have perfect attendance at any of the practices. The absenteeism has been going up lately and it is becoming an issue. Please do what you can to make sure students are coming to all practices.
Treasurer’s Report – Suzanne Clark
As is usual, the fall season has started off with some big expenditures (totaling $31,000). Our fundraisers are contributing nicely (particularly Gator concessions and Yankee candles), but we need more $$. In that regard, the next $75 installment of fair share is due September 30.
Fundraisers – Laura Netardus and SusanWeinstein
Need to push the Gator Dockside breakfast. May want to consider buying 10 tickets and then giving away to friends/family who will use them. These folks tend to leave nice tips, which are then allocated to the fair share accounts of all children who worked the event.
Gator Concessions – Ruth Dean and Liz Brown
The concessions are doing great, based on 2 games of work so far. The following dates still have openings:
10/9 – Same day as Chiefland Competition – need 3-4 more guard parents/siblings and 3-4 more band parents/siblings)
11/13 – Same day as North Marion Competition – need 1-2 guard parents/sibling, and 3-4 more band parents/siblings)
We are not going to do the concessions for the game that coincides with the State Championships and have made other arrangements for the concessions to be handled.
Other upcoming fundraisers:
Chicken Barbecue – begins 10/4
Holiday Wreaths – begins 11/1
Downtown Arts Festival – booth setup and teardown – 1st weekend in Nov. Randy Handel will provide additional information.
Possible new fundraisers (will be further researched by Laura and Susan):
Dinner at Chili’s (percentage of proceeds come to band)
Pasta Sales
Volunteer news – Volunteer Coordinator Mike Grantham
The Pit Crew is set, and will practice this Thursday evening (Mike has communicated with them separately). Those on the Pit Crew are listed below:
- Rick Yost
- Cathy Honeycutt
- Gene Honeycutt
- Jayne Hargrave
- Kimm Tyson
- George Bryan
- Carol Bryan
- Keith Teller
- Roberta Guidice- Teller
- Sherolyn Spencer
- Christian Spencer
- Cindi Cleeton
- Amy Mueller
- Mike Coughlin
- Frank Mason
- Cindy Mason
- Ashton Mason
- Miranda Mason
- Chasalee Hurley
- Susie Hummel
- Mike Grantham
Pit Crew shirts should be in by game day.
Uniforms – Adela Van Antwerp
Thanks to help from several volunteers, all students have been fitted, with the exception of one person and all jackets are done.
Guard uniforms are in process and will be ready by Friday.
The only items that won’t be ready for Friday’s game are the capes.
Adela let us know that the process was difficult this year as many of our incoming freshmen were very small, and we didn’t have many small jackets. So, lots of shifting around of jackets had to take place. For next year, the band will get a loan to purchase some new jackets (thanks to a special angel not to be named in these minutes), and will do some targeted fundraisers to repay that loan.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/13/10
Monday, September 6, 2010
- Tuesday (9/7): Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit, Battery, Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
- Wednesday (9/8): No After School Rehearsal SCRIP ORDERS DUE TO MR. PIRZER
- Thursday (9/9): Full Marching Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM
- Friday (9/10): Full Marching Band 3:00 to 7:00 PM
- Monday, Sept 13: Band Booster Meeting 7:00 PM in Band Room.
- Thursday, Sept 16: Pit Parent Practice starting at 7:00 PM, practice Field
- Friday, Sept 17: Football Game vs. Santa Fe. Our First performance of the year!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Gator Concession Fundraiser Opportunities
The following dates are open:
September 11
Band Booth
I need a parent/child set or just a parent to be lead on this booth
October 9th (this is the competition in Chiefland)
All Adults or siblings over the age of 14
thank you to those who already signed up
Guard booth (2 positions)
Band booth (5 positions)
November 13th (Competition in North Marion)
All Adults or siblings over the age of 14
thank you to those who already signed up
Guard booth (2 positions)
Band booth (4 positions)
Detailed Information for Gator Concession Volunteers
Gator's Dockside Pancake Fundraiser Information
Attention all parents and students:
The tickets for the upcoming pancake breakfast (scheduled to take place at Gator's Dockside - Newberry Road - on Saturday, 9/25) are ready for pickup.
- Students should pick up their tickets from Mr. Pirzer or his designee - they will sign out for the specific tickets given to them. Note: Tickets will be packaged in groups of 10 and each student should be able to sell 10 tickets. If students want to sign out multiple packets of tickets, they may do so, however please note that students are responsible for ALL tickets for which they sign out. They must either return $$, or unused tickets to account for every ticket they signed out.
- Students are to sell those tickets for $6 each.
- Students are to turn in the $$ to Mr. Pirzer for the tickets sold NO LATER THAN 9/22. NOTE: Don't save it up to the end ... The longer the $$ are held onto, the more of a chance the $$ will be lost.
- People who purchased the tickets then must bring the tickets as entry to the breakfast.
- Students will receive 50% of the proceeds of their own sales as a credit to their individual fair share accounts.
- Tickets that don't get sold must be returned to Mr. Pirzer, along with the proceeds of any sold tickets.
We need a few parent volunteers to monitor the activity on the morning of the event and several student volunteers to serve the breakfasts, as well as people to make posters to remind students to get their tickets. A signup sheet will be located in the band room.
If you have a question, simply send an email to ghsbandnews@gmail.com, and I will get your answer from the co-coordinators of this event, band parents Sandra Reichert and Jayne Hargrave.