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For questions or concerns, contact Amy Wagner at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Operation Cape Construction

If you wish to participate in the creation of the capes for the upcoming show season, please meet at 5:30 on Monday 6/21/10 in the band room to start cutting and sewing. Bring any sewing or cutting supplies, if you have them. Scissors, rotary cutters and boards, pins, and sewing machines would be helpful. Any questions, please email and I will forward to Amy.

Band Camp 1 Daily Updates - The Last Day

Band Camp 1 has come to a close and it was nice to see ... and hear ... the progress that was made as we viewed the performance last night. Thanks to all parents who came to the new parent meeting, and to watch the performance.
A few nuggets from last night that you won't find in any of the paperwork that was distributed:
  • The students have in excess of 100,000 responsibilities during the upcoming show - between notes played and steps taken. Pretty amazing!
  • If you can sew, Mr. Pirzer needs you. 110 capes must be cut and sewn, and this will happen sometime during the summer. Further communication will be forthcoming.
  • Please remember to ask your students to bring home their sweaty clothes each day during band camp 2. The bin room will be a nicer smelling place as a result.
  • To get a sense of the upcoming performance, search for Santa Clara Vanguard 2004 on google video.
  • Students, please try to find some time over the summer to meet with your section and practice - particularly jazz running - since the rain cut us short in band camp 1.
Have a nice summer, everyone, and we will see you on August 7 to begin band camp 2. Several communications will come out between now and then to confirm the volunteer schedule, so be on the lookout! Also, if you did not turn your pink communications sheet in to me, feel free to just email me at the address with the requested information.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Band Camp 1 Daily Updates

Day 3

Well, Mother Nature took control of the agenda today as storms hindered the ability to get in much marching practice. The good news is that this gave the students a perfect opportunity to practice their music, and I am hearing from a very credible source that great progress was made! Given the complexity of the music for this show, perhaps Mother Nature has a good plan …

*** Reminder for Thursday - our final day of Band Camp 1 ***

New parents, please attend the new parent meeting Thursday at 7:00pm (in the auditorium if it is not raining, in the band room if it is raining). You will have an opportunity to see how much progress has been made over the 4-day period, as well as to get your questions answered about any band-related topic. Please also take this opportunity to meet fellow new band parents (and maybe even some old ones). You will be seeing a lot of them over the next several months so it will be nice to take care of the introductions now!

Parents of upperclassmen, please plan on arriving early (around 8pm) so you can see the Band Camp 1 finale performance.

See you Thursday!

Day 2

According to our Volunteer Coordinator, Mike Grantham, Day 2 went well, with a combination of music, marching, and viewing of the past championship performance, as well as the upcoming show. Hopefully, everyone now has a vision of what is being aimed for and is excited about the journey. The journey will most certainly have its share of joys and challenges, but the end product will be worth it!

**Reminder** One administrative note: Please do not forget to bring in your Fair Share installment if you have not already done so. The amounts are as follows:

Band members - $100

Guard members - $150 (the additional $50 is for the rifles)

Looking forward to a great Day 3.

Day 1

Well, everyone, Band Camp 1 is off and running! I left the school around 6:30pm, and all students, staff, and volunteers seemed to be in top form after 2 1/2 hours ... of course, they hadn't actually marched yet, but the music sure sounded good for Day 1!

Our band camp could use a few donated items: Peanut Butter Crackers (the kind they sell in the multipack at grocery stores and Sam's), and powdered Gatorade (any flavor). These 2 items are a staple for both band camps, and the good thing is that we can carry them over to band camp 2 if we don't use them all for band camp 1. So, if you happen to be going grocery shopping in the next day or so, and if you would be willing to pick up one of these items and send it in with your child, we (the entire band) would be most appreciative.

Thanks, and we'll keep you posted on our band camp progress.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Band Camp News 2010

Greetings band students and parents! It's that time of year again (if you are an upperclassman) and to our incoming freshmen, welcome! Summer Band Camp is approaching quickly and below are all of the details you need to know:

Where to go and when:

Band Camp #1: June 14th thru 17th, 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All students report to the band room no later than 10 minutes prior to start time.

Band Camp #2: August 7th and 9th through 13th, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Additional details to be provided during Band Camp #1.

What to wear:

Campers must wear a white or mostly white shirt, black shorts, socks (students will not be allowed to march without them), tennis shoes, and instrument, if applicable.

What to bring:

Students should bring a thermos of water or diluted gatorade, sun screen, a cap or visor, a beach towel, and bug spray. There will be short meal break each evening. Meal and snack food items should be light (examples: crackers, pretzels, PBJ sandwiches, energy bars, bananas, oranges, etc.) and should not include candies, cheese, things that melt or easily spoil. Milk products and heavy meals are not recommended before practice, as this tends to upset stomachs in the heat.

Parent Volunteers:

If you signed up to volunteer, please report to the band room (for 1st shift volunteers – start time 4pm) or to the practice field (for 2nd shift volunteers – start time 6:30pm) prior to the time for which you signed up. The signup sheet is posted in the band room, and our Volunteer Coordinator, Mike Grantham, will be communicating directly to those volunteers for whom he has email addresses. We have an average of 4 volunteers per shift each day, and could definitely use more. If you can contribute some time, please contact Mike at 352.258.5978, or on his email listed on this blog.

Any Questions?

Please email any questions to, and we will answer them promptly.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

2010-2011 GHS Band & Guard Fundraisers

GHS Band and Guard

Fundraisers Planned

for 2010-2011




(Buy gift cards and have a %age credited toward your member’s Fairshare

Jill Burleson

2nd Wednesday of each month during the school year

Gator Concessions

2010 Football season

Need 12 volunteers (one to be the Supervisor) to man 3 booths. Need to have workers scheduled by the end of Band Camp I

Ruthie Dean

and Liz Brown

All home games and probably Gator Growl

9/4, 9/11, 9/25, 10/9, 10/16, 11/13, 11/20

Gator Growl 10/15

Yankee Candle Sale

Easy to sell and 40% goes towards your child’s Fairshare

Linda Brown

Start 8/13/10

End 8/30/10

Gator Dockside Pancake Breakfast

Sell tickets prior to and work the day of to add to your child’s Fairshare


Tickets sales:

Start 9/7/10

End 9/22/10

Breakfast: 9/25/10

Chicken Dinners (Hill’s Barbeque)

Jill Burleson

and Barb Griffiths

Ticket sales

Start 10/4/10

End: 10 25/10

Dinners available 10/29/10

Holiday Wreaths

Presell wreaths with delivery in December (in time for the holidays)

Kathy Grantham

Start: 11/1/10

End: 11/15/10

Delivery: Early December

Cookie Dough Sale


Start 2/28/11

End: 3/14/10

Delivered Early April

Gator Nationals Parking

Help out with parking the weekend of the event


3/12/11 and 3/13/11