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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Band Booster Meeting Minutes - 12/6/10

Band Director Update

  • Mr. Pirzer thanked everyone for their support during all of marching band season. The results of the state championship were disappointing, but it is what is. The students were happy with their performance, as was he, and that’s what counts. Mr. Pirzer reviewed the judges’ scores (one, in particular) and indicated that he and some the some of the directors of the Alachua County bands have (or will be) preparing a response to the FMBC group to share their feedback – productively and professionally - on the process. It won’t change the result, however at least the communication will be made.
  • Mr. Pirzer also thanked those of us who participated in last Friday’s playoff game. He heard all went well. If the football team wins the next game, finals will be on Saturday, 12/18, at 1pm in the Citrus bowl, and the school will pay for one charter bus of students to go as a pep band.
  • Next Monday, 12/13, is the holiday concert. Students need to be here at 6:15 and concert starts at 7. Will do Scheherazade first, then short break to get set up for holiday band, and then 4 or 5 pieces. Should be done in less than an hour. If any parent has a desire to decorate the auditorium, please contact Mr. P.
  • Next Tuesday (the day after our concert), Westwood Middle School concert will be held at GHS at 7pm.
  • Cambridge candidates will be coming to shadow soon. When it gets closer, Mr. Pirzer would like to have parents call prospective students. There are many of them. Stay tuned for more info.
  • We will not have a booster meeting in January.
  • Over next 2 weeks, there will be sign-ups for solo and ensemble. The first week of 2011, All State will take place. We have a couple of participants. Last week, we had All County auditions. 11 or 12 GHS students tried out, 6 students made it. This was a disappointing turnout. Parents need to encourage more participation next year.
  • We are very behind on fair share. Marching band students should be up to $425 paid in as of 11/30. We still have several students who haven’t paid anything yet. Fundraisers have not yielded a huge amount, and as is the case most years, the same people seem to participate in all of them. We talked as a group about strategies to encourage fair share payments. Going forward, may have a commitment letter to include parent and student signature. Also, anyone who plans on doing indoor percussion must be fully up-to-date, including the indoor percussion fee. The band is going to need to order some new marching jackets at $250 each and we do not have the money at this point. Mr. Pirzer asked that we email suggestions to him the fair share topic. Also, need to tap into alumni group for fundraising. Mr. Pirzer will get the list. We need a small group to spearhead the alumni focus.

Treasurers Report – Suzanne Clark

  • As per the previous bullet points, we don’t have much money in the bank (if you are interested in knowing the amount, feel free to check with Suzanne), and we still need to pay for the wreath invoice, as well as many leftover expenses from Marching season. Staff expenses will now drop significantly with the end of Marching season, which is good news.
  • We need Fair Share $$ in order to be able to pay bills through the end of the year.

Fundraising – Laura Netardus, Susan Weinstein

  • Wreaths arrived today. 20 students participated. There are a few extras that are for sale through Mr. Pirzer.
  • Ornaments to be sold at the holiday concert are currently in process of being made (out of Scheherazade music).
  • We are still looking for donations for gift baskets, which will be auctioned off at the concert. Need items for a spa basket, tool basket, home improvement basket, and pet basket. Contact Laura Netardus with questions (email address on blog), or just bring the items into the band room.

Volunteer Coordinator – Mike Grantham

  • Now that Marching Season is over, Mike indicated he had nothing to add (that Mr. Pirzer didn’t already say). He did say to let him know what volunteer needs exist for indoor and he would help out in any way he could.

Uniforms – Adela Van Antwerp

  • We will use uniforms for holiday concert as well as the football championships (if they take place. Won’t do anything with uniforms (as far as cleaning goes) until we know what is going on schedule-wise. Once we know the season is truly over, will send pants home to wash with parents (like we usually do), and jackets will be dry cleaned.
  • Mr. Pirzer reminded us that all boys and concert band girls must have black dress pants for concert season. All students must have a tuxedo shirt. Please get these items prior to Monday’s concert. Symphonic band girls are provided with long black skirts.

Next meeting is Monday, February 7th

Meeting adjourned 8:05pm.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 11/28/10

We will be taking a full band and sectional pictures on Tuesday (11/30) during 6th period and shortly after school. Please send your students to school with their band shoes and gloves.

There is a football game this Friday Night (12/3). All Students are to report at 5:00 PM with their Band t Shirt, Jeans, sneakers and warm outer clothing. We will not perform the halftime show, but we will play from the stands as a pep band for the whole game. Return to GHS will be 11:00 PM.

Here's a look at the week ahead:
  • Tuesday, Nov 30th:
  1. Fair Share installment ($75) is due. *See note below.
  2. Holiday Band 3:00 to 4:30 PM
  3. Indoor Guard and Percussion 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  4. (Indoor Percussion Parent Meeting at 8:00 PM)
  • Wednesday, Dec 1st: All County Auditions @ GHS
  • Thursday, Dec 2nd: Holiday Band 3:00 to 4:30 PM, Indoor Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Friday, Dec 3rd: Playoff Football Game: Students report @ 5:00 PM.
*Note: Fair Share is due On November 30th. Students should have paid in $425.00 by Nov 30th to be current. This includes camp fees and fair share payments for September, October and November.

Season Recap - 11/21/10

Thank you so much to everyone that went along with us to help, support and cheer on competition weekend. The whole weekend was a huge success and we should all be very proud of our accomplishments. I could not be happier with the students performance on the field at Finals and the way they conducted themselves off the field after the final results were announced. I know that deep in all of our hearts we were a little surprised by the end result, but we need to remember the feelings the kids had in the parking lot after the performance. There is no trophy or award that can replace the way they reacted to their own performance. "IT" was definitely in their hearts as they came off of that field.

Here are a few links to things you may be interested in:
There are so many people to thank for the success of our band this year. It would be impossible to name everyone, so thank you to everyone that played a part in this grand production.
You may think that Football season is over, however, our team is experiencing a lot of success as well. They won their first playoff game this past Friday while we were in Tampa and they play again this Friday. If they win again and host another game next Friday, December 3rd, we will most likely go as a pep band. Don't panic, no more props, or pit, or capes. Just a pep band. More info will come after the game this Friday.
Speaking of next week, we are shifting quickly to concert and indoor season and here is a look at the week ahead.
  • Tuesday(11/30): Holiday Band 3:00 to 4:30 PM (All 3rd and 4th Period Students), Indoor Guard and Drumline 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday (12/1): All County Auditions @ GHS
  • Thursday 12/2: Holiday Band 3:00 to 4:30 PM Indoor Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Friday 12/3: Indoor Drumline 4:00 to 8:00 PM (If no football game)
Be sure to join us at our Winter Holiday Concert on Monday, December 13th at 7:00 PM in the GHS Auditorium. We will present the sounds of the seasons and there is a rumor that there may be an encore performance of Scheherazade.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Last Minute Reminders for State Competition

Are you ready?! Here are some last minute reminders.
  1. Please remember that the students need to be at the school by 8:00 AM on Friday for bag check.
  2. Please review the rules and policies that we emailed out a few days ago.
  3. Directions for all venues are available in the band room.
  4. If you are traveling separate from us, please remember that admission at Prelims will be $14.00 and Finals will be $20.00. Parking at prelims will be free however, parking at Finals will be $15.00. All of these fees are cash only. Please note that there have never been convenient ATMs close to these sites, so be sure to bring sufficient cash with you.
  5. Video taping is not allowed at either site, sorry. Still photos are fine.
  6. No outside food or drink will be permitted inside the stadium at either site. Bags will be subject to search, especially at Tropicana Field.
  7. Students should pack a lunch for Friday and they should bring plenty of snacks and drinks. All drinks must be in a sealed container. We will not allow their normal drink jugs. We will provide plenty of water and gatorade throughout the day on Friday and Saturday (donations of 1/2 pint size bottles of water, and individual bottles of gatorade would be most appreciated).
  8. Students will need to have money for Dinner for both Friday and Saturday and also lunch on Friday. They may pack extra food if they like. We will provide extra ice for student coolers. Breakfast will be provided by the hotel Saturday morning at the hotel.
  9. We will return to GHS at about 2:30 AM on Sunday Morning. Please be here to pick up your student on time.
If you are coming down for the performances, it is your duty to scream and cheer and lose your minds while the kids are on the field. They feed off of your energy. Make it feel like Showcase!!!
If you have any questions, please email today and we will get back to you by tonight (Thursday). We will not be able to answer email questions once we leave GHS tomorrow (Friday).

Monday, November 15, 2010

State Competition Information

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 11/14/10

The big week is finally here. Here's what is coming up for this week. Note: There are still a couple of rooms and a few seats on the bus available for the state competition. Mr. Pirzer needs to let the hotel by Wednesday which rooms we will not use, so please let him know ASAP.
  • Monday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00
  • Tuesday: Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Thursday: Full Band 5:00 to 8:00 PM, We will load the trailers after practice.
  • Friday: Students Must be here by 8:00 AM for Bag Check. I encourage you to make arrangements so that you do not need to leave your car here overnight. If you need to leave your car here, it must be parked on Hurricane Lane and you should park it up closer to our end of the lane.
We still need drink and snack donations (thank you to those who have donated thus far). For drinks, the small, half-pint water bottles work best. For snacks, packaged crackers, granola bars, and other non-perishables, all of which can be brought to the band room any time this week. Donations of apples and bananas would be great if brought on Friday morning.

Thanks to all parents who supported the band this past weekend ... It definitely takes a village!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More News for Week of 11/14/10

You may still turn in your wreath orders and picture orders on Friday morning. Please get them to me before school if possible.
Admission for Saturday's show at North Marion will be $10.00. Let's fill the NMHS stands full of purple and create an atmosphere like Showcase. That was awesome!!
A tentative schedule has been posted for State Prelims for next week. We are currently scheduled to perform at 11:44 AM at Chamberlain HS. More details to come.
Admission to State is kinda pricey. $14.00 for prelims and $20.00 for Finals. Both sites are cash only, so plan accordingly. Also, there is a charge to park at Tropicana Field. I believe it is no more than $10.00 per vehicle. This fee is charged by the City of St. Petersburg and not FMBC.
I have just a few seats left on the bus and also several hotel rooms left. Rooms are now available for those that wish to drive seperately at a price of $40.00 per person. Remember, first come, first served. I will give them to the folks who turn their money in first.
Remember, practice from 3:00 to 7:00 on Friday and then loading afterwards.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Band Booster Meeting Minutes - 11/8/10

Band booster president, Frank Mason, began the meeting at 7:00pm by asking for a motion to approve the minutes of the 10/11/10 meeting. Motion was made and was seconded, all approved.

Band Director Update

  • Mr. Pirzer thanked all for their efforts with competitions to date. However, he has seen a complacency with the students and needs everyone to step up. He reminded us that there are only 5 more full rehearsal before state.
  • 1st football game of last year – 2009 season – was the last time the band had perfect attendance. Closest we have come this year – down 3 at Showcase.
  • Students need to be practicing at home. Today’s practice was sloppy.

North Marion Competition, Saturday, November 13

  • Students will load instruments into trailer after practice on Friday. Parents, please delay pickup a few extra minutes.
  • 13 bands competing. Santa Fe, Buchholz, Middleburg are among them. Preliminary performance time is 1:45pm. Finals should be wrapped up by 8/8:30
STATE Competition, Saturday, November 20
  • All students and parents riding the bus need to be here at 8am Friday morning. Will search bags Fri AM. Goal is to leave by 9am (after GHS busses leave).
  • 11-11:30 – Anticipated arrival at King High School, Tampa for practice. Will pack up and leave by 4pm to go to hotel, which is a couple of miles from the high school. After clean up, will take to West Shore Mall for food court and other activities. Will be back to hotel by 10pm. Hotel is Days Inn Tampa North, 701 E. Fletcher Ave, Tampa, 813-977-1550
  • For preliminaries (Chamberlain HS – admission $14), we are 2nd to last in our class. 16 bands in 3A. Taking top 5 to finals (Tropicana Field - $20). Mr. Pirzer will finish and distribute itinerary once official times have been posted, which should be by the end of this week (11/12).

Parent Bus to State

  • Currently have 17 bus seats remaining and 15 rooms left. Will hold off until Friday to offer extra rooms to those who aren’t taking the bus. Want to make sure those who are on the busses are taking care of first. Will check with administration as to where parents can leave their cars on Friday.
  • If you are riding the parent bus, you are also considered a chaperone, which means you will be assigned a few specific duties at the hotel. This is not a big deal (basically involves making sure your assigned room of students leaves the hotel room in good condition prior to check out), and being around to help out, if necessary. Chaperone assignments will be made within the next week.

Week after Thanksgiving, band shifts right into concert season with the Holiday Band (combine concert and symphonic). The Holiday Concert is Dec 13th.

Mr. Pirzer also reminded us that Pictures, Wreaths, and SCRIP are all due Wednesday.

Treasurers Report

  • Suzanne has paid every bill except for State-related expenses. We need more fair share payments to come in order to be able to cover these expenses.
  • Fair share – each band student should have paid $350 in at this point. Less than 25% are at that level. In light of this, if people can pay ahead on fair share rather than in the scheduled installments, that would be appreciated. Better yet, if everyone who is behind could catch up, that would be even better.
  • Gator Concessions, Barbeque, and SCRIP all added to the treasury this past month
  • Susan Weinstein – made a thermometer to show where we are with fair share (compared to our goal). It will be posted in the band room.


  • Gator Concessions – last opportunity is the game this week (same day as North Marion competition). Ruth Dean is looking for 5 more volunteers.
  • Again, Wreaths and SCRIP due this week
  • Proposed Fundraiser - Mr. Netardus
  • Decorated ornaments and gift baskets to be sold/raffled at Holiday concert. Ideas or contributions (items) to baskets should be sent to Laura Netardus or Susan Weinstein - Contribute items or create a complete basket for yourself. Ideas: Coffee, Chocolate, Free meal coupons. This was a good money raising venture last year. Mr. Pirzer suggested Laura Netardus assign themes to sections. Mr. Netardus indicated he would let Laura know and she would get back to us.

Volunteer Coordinator – Mike Grantham

  • Mike thanked all volunteers for past events and reported that we have enough volunteers for No. Marion, but may need to recruit some of the bus parents to help out at State, at least for the practice session on Friday. He won’t know until he sees who shows up on Friday.


  • Susie Hummel thanked everyone for their participation over the last month. It has made the job much easier.
  • For this week, any available parent to help lay the uniforms out Saturday night after returning from the competition would most appreciated.
  • The assigned section for the Sunday afternoon inspection and rebagging process is the PIT – so Pit parents, please let us know if you can help out on Sunday afternoon (11/14), 2pm, by sending an email to

Meeting adjourned 7:53pm.

Monday, November 8, 2010

North Marion Competition Itinerary

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 11/7/10

Here's a look at the upcoming week....
  • Monday, November 8th: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Band Booster Meeting 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday, November 9th: Hornline 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday, November 10th: Picture Orders and Money Due, Wreath orders and Money Due, Scrip Orders Due
  • Thursday, November 11th: No School
  • Friday, November 12th: Full Band 3:00 to 7:00 PM, we will load the trailers after practice.
  • Saturday, November 13th: Kingdom of the Sun Festival @ North Marion HS. Itineraries available through students and on the website.
We have only two weeks of marching band left!!! Please ensure that your student is at ALL rehearsals between now and state. We averaged 10 absences per rehearsal last week!!!!! There is a lot to put into the show and it is very difficult to move forward with so many people missing.

We will discuss the State trip at the Booster Meeting, please plan to attend to receive all of the information.
We have just a few rooms left for State. I am going to hold them until Wednesday for those who plan on riding the bus and then on Friday I will open it to anyone who wants to drive down and spend the night. The cost is $65.00 per person to ride the bus and stay in the room. The rooms alone with no bus will be $40.00 per person starting on Friday.

Hope to see everyone at North Marion on Saturday.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/31/10 - Cont'd

Here are some additional news and notes that were not included with the week ahead email earlier this week.

1. All County Audition forms and entry fees are due this Friday. The music and forms were given to all instrumentalists over a week ago. I strongly encourage that all of our students at least give it a try. I believe many of our students would make the ensemble if they take the time to audition. Auditions will be December 1st @ GHS.

2. Students will receive their picture proofs in class Tuesday. There are 4 different poses for each student and the packages are very reasonable. If you would like to purchase pictures, please return the envelope and money to me by next Wednesday, November 10th. The pictures will be back to us in time for the Holidays.

3. The wreath orders and money are also due next Wednesday, November 10th. Please turn them into me in the band office.

4. Scrip orders are also due on November 10th. It's Holiday time, and gift cards are a great gift idea!!

5. We will have a Band Booster meeting on Monday, November 8th at 7:00 PM in the band room. There is a lot to discuss about the State Trip.

6. Speaking of the State Trip, we still have rooms and seats left. Please don't wait until the last minute. The hotel is already asking for a rooming list.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/31/10

What a great weekend. Southern Showcase was a huge success and the band is starting to hit its stride. We only have two and a half weeks to go until state so keep practicing and let's make a big push to the end. We have an opportunity to do some great things at State, so let's take full advantage.
Thank you to everyone that made Showcase a huge success. It was really neat to see so many parents, alumni and friends in the stands and in the parking lot!! A huge thank you to those that made the ribbons possible. They meant everything to a lot of people on Saturday.
Here's a look at the week ahead...
  • Monday: After School Rehearsal Canceled, The kids have earned it.
  • Tuesday: Band Pictures taken during class. Nothing special needed, just show up to class.
  • Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery and Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Thursday: Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Friday: Full Band 3:00 to 6:00 PM
Don't forget, our next show is November 13th at North Marion High School in Sparr. Details to come soon.

Additional note from Carolyn:

Parents, we continue to need donations of bottled water and snacks (prepackaged crackers, granola bars, bananas). The smaller (8 oz) bottles of water work best, although we certainly won't turn away the bigger sizes. Please bring any donations to the band room. Also, thanks to all parents who helped with uniforms this week and weekend. We really appreciate it!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser this Friday, 10/29/10

Reminder: The Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser is this Friday, from 5pm to 7pm, and in addition to dinners for those who purchased tickets, there will also be dinners available for purchase. There will be cupcakes and brownies for sale, as well. Please come out and support the band!

Sad News

Today, the GHS Band Family and the entire state of Florida lost a very special person. Jon Kersten, founder of FMBC, the coordinator of our State Championships, and drill writer for GHS and numerous other bands lost his bout with cancer. Those of you that knew Jon know how passionate he was about the pagentry arts and the students involved with it. He presence will be severely missed as we venture to State this year.
In rememberance of Jon, the GHS Band will wear a small black ribbon on our uniforms for Showcase this Saturday and at State FMBC on November 20th. We will be creating these ribbons on Friday, October 29th between 5:00 and 7:00 PM in the band room. All you need to bring is your willingness to help.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wreath Fundraiser

Please ask your students to show you the ordering brochure for the wreath fundraiser which he/she will receive in band today (10/27). The costs are: $25 for wreaths and various other items, $22 for sprays. Orders are due in two weeks (11/10). Products which are coming to warm climates are specially treated to last longer. The wreaths and sprays are beautiful! Wreaths will be delivered to GHS, so pick up will be at the band room - week of delivery is Dec. 13. Approximately $5 per product will go to the selling student's fair share.

Itinerary for Southern Showcase Competition

Uniform Assistance for week of 10/24/10

Below is a summary of the Uniform Assistance needed:

  • Thursday, 10/28 - Bibbers that were taken home for washing are due back in the band room.
  • Friday, 10/29 - Uniforms will be reassembled and bagged at 12:30pm and at 5pm. Parents of the Flute and Battery sections have been asked to assist.
  • Saturday, 10/30 - After we return from the Showcase competition, help is needed to lay the uniforms out on the auditorium chairs. Any and all parents are requested to assist.
  • Sunday, 10/31 - Uniforms will be inspected and rebagged beginning at 2pm, in the GHS auditorium. Parents of the Guard and Mellophone sections have been asked to assist.

Please email if you can assist.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/24/10

First, thank you to everyone who helped and supported the students at FBA. Their performance was fantastic. I (Mr. Pirzer) really look forward to the next few weeks as we perfect this incredible show.

This coming Saturday is Southern Showcase at Santa Fe HS. I hope everyone will be able to make it out the show to support our kids. Our prelims performance will be at 2:45. Finals will begin at 7:00 PM so we will perform some time between 7:00 and 9:00 PM. Admission is $10.00.

Also, please send in all BBQ Chicken Dinner money tomorrow. We need to let the folks at Hills BBQ know how many dinners to prepare.
  • Monday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM (Crazy Hat/sock day)
  • Tuesday: Horns 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit Battery and Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM (Inside out Day)
  • Thursday: Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM (All Black Day) AND Fair Share Due
  • Friday: Full Band 12:00 to 6:00 PM (Purple and White Day) The Chicken Dinners will be available for pick up between 5:00 and 7:00 PM on Friday.
  • Saturday: Southern Showcase @ Santa Fe

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time Change for Thursday's Football Game

Thursday (10/21) night's football game versus Brooksville Central HS has been moved to a 7:00 PM kickoff. Senior night activities will start at 6:30 PM so senior parents please be at the stadium by 6:15 PM to line up for introductions. Pit Crew can still get there at the same time and the band will still arrive at 6:00 PM like normal.
Please be at GHS by 10:00 PM to pick up your students. This game should go pretty quick so we should not have any issues getting back to school by 10:00 PM.
Students will have study halls during their band/guard class period on Friday.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week beginning 10/17/10

Here is a glimpse at this week.
  • Monday, 10/18: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday, 10/19: Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday, 10/20: Full Band 3:00 to 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, 10/21: Football Game vs. Central HS, report at 3:00 PM Senior Night, Senior Parents please plan to attend and escort your senior. Parents should be at Citizens Field by 6:30 PM for senior introductions.
  • Friday, 10/22: Full Band 3:00 to 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, 10/23: FBA District Marching Festival @ Columbia HS (your student is receiving the itinerary and info today in class, ask for it)
Looking ahead to next week:
We have our Chicken BBQ next Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Please preorder/pay for your dinners if you plan on picking them up after practice. We are not ordering but a few extra meals. We need money and unsold tickets returned by Monday, October 25th.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Parent Bus and Hotel Package for State Competition

10/11/10 Band Booster Meeting Minutes

Band booster president, Frank Mason, began the meeting at 7:05pm by asking for a motion to approve the minutes of the 9/13/10 meeting. Motion was made and was seconded, all approved.

Band Director Update

Mr. Pirzer explained the marching band competition classification system. It is based on the number of brass and wind instruments that are marched, as indicated below:

# winds/brass












In competitions other than the state competition, bands may compete in a higher classification, but not lower. In state competition, bands must complete in the correct class.

GHS marches 64 winds/brass and is, therefore, in the 3A classification.

Mr. Pirzer then explained block scoring.

When entries are submitted in time for the early submission deadline for states, they are then randomly selected for order of performance in the preliminary round. Those bands chosen early are assigned a later slot. So, for example, the first band randomly selected gets to perform last in its class (performing later is better), and the last band randomly selected will perform first.

Once competition season starts, bands have an opportunity to change that order based on how well they do (how many points they score) in a given competition. A points threshold is establish for each week of competition, and if the band achieves that score or higher, they move up in the pecking order (or block). The earlier a band blocks, the higher it moves up, and once it blocks, it doesn’t have to block again.

The thresholds are as follows:

Week of

Points threshold











The good news is that GHS blocked in the Chiefland competition with a score of 79.1, putting us second to last in the performance order at preliminaries. Another 3A band (I don’t recall the school) blocked the week before, so it will perform last.

Mr. Pirzer also talked about the 10/14 GHS/BHS football game and discussed that he will offer to have GHS play post game so both schools can perform their full shows. Parents in attendance thought that was a good idea. Also, discussed the “social” that Westside Baptist Church was sponsoring for both bands in the parking lot of Citizens’ Field, at 6pm on game day.

Mr. Pirzer reviewed the upcoming calendar for October:

Next week (week of 10/17), is our last Thursday night game (10/21), which is also senior night. This means no pregame as the senior ceremonial section will take place during that time.

Next Saturday (10/23), is the competition at Districts (Columbia HS, Lake City), performance time is around 8pm (one and done, no preliminaries) A full timeline indicating when students will be required to be at GHS, and all other details, will be sent out next week.

Following Saturday (10/30), is the Southern Showcase competition. There will be 17+ bands participating. This is an important competition to the students as they set out to reclaim their 1st place title this year (last year they came in 2nd to BHS).

Mr. Pirzer distributed a flyer with information about the Parent Bus and Hotel package deal for the state finals competition. The package deal is $65 per person for hotel and bus for the 2 day trip. At this point, only the package deal is available – not the separate components. See attached flyer for further details.


Suzanne Clark reviewed the GHS Band Booster current financial status and fair share update. While I won’t put actual $$ figures in here, the key highlights are:

  • Most successful (from a $$ perspective) fundraiser – Gator Concessions
  • Biggest expenditure – Staff
  • Fair Share is coming in nicely.

Suzanne will need to pay the deposit for the buses and other items related to the state competition very soon, so the $$ need to keep coming in.


  • Jill Burleson reminded us that SCRIP orders are due this week (no later than Friday, 10/15). Turnaround time has been very quick – as in 5 days or so.

  • Barbecue tickets are currently on sale - $8 each – due 10/25. Event is 10/29, day before Showcase (no school for students that day, however they will be practicing all afternoon). Parents were/are encouraged to feed the family and deliver dinners to neighbors, as well.

  • Ruth Dean and Liz Brown shared the results of the Gator Concessions (very successful), and let us know that they are learning more about how to best schedule so that it is a worthwhile undertaking at every game.

  • Laura Netardus is working on the contact information for the wreath fundraiser. Kathy Grantham will coordinate this fundraiser.

  • We will likely also add the pasta sales fundraiser, which Eunice Coughlin will be investigating.

  • Randy Handel let us know of two requests (which he has already filled) for help for setup of booths for the downtown arts festival. He will provide additional info to entire band if he gets more requests for help.

Volunteer News

Mike Grantham thanked all volunteers (Uniform Committee, Pit Crew, Fundraising, board members, and especially those trailer haulers) for helping everything go so smoothly. Ok, so he didn’t quite say it like that … I am just trying to lighten things up a bit! Seriously, though, it takes a lot of volunteer effort to support a band program, and Mike made sure to let everyone know all efforts were/are appreciated. Mike also made it clear that each volunteer subgroup tends to its own recruitment and volunteer needs, which makes his job a whole lot easier. Thanks to Mike for all that he does!

Mr. Pirzer helped to clarify timing issues regarding getting equipment off the field. He says we did fine, although Mike G. said a judge told us we needed to speed it up. According to Mr. Pirzer, as long as we get the equipment/ tents passed the end zone, we should be okay.

Adela also wanted to thank everyone for help with uniforms, alterations, etc. The uniform committee has implemented a new routine for the “uniform repair and rebagging” process that happens the day following an event. Each time, a section of band parents will be asked to help. First week was the trumpet section (worked very well), next is baritones.


Laura Netardus thanked Mr. Pirzer for enabling the band to participate in the Haile event (the Brain Tumor Walk) a few weeks ago. The person for whom the event was honoring was a former GHS student and she was present at the event. As Mr. Pirzer said (and all parents agreed), it was nice for everyone to get out of the regular day-to-day routine and be involved in something that has some intense meaning to it.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30pm.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Competition News/The Week Ahead (week of 10/10/10)

Congratulations to the students for their Grand Championship at the Chiefland Competiton over the weekend and, perhaps even more important, was the 79.1 they scored in prelims which allowed to block and puts us in a GREAT position for State prelims. I will take some time to explain exacetely how important blocking is at the booster meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 PM.

Also, a huge thank you to all of the parents that helped move all of the "stuff" on and off the field. You have no idea how much of a relief it was to see our prince and princess tents standing proud and when we flipped the switch, the sound work flawlessly. Both are adding a huge amount to the production and our judges made points to mention both during our critique.

With all of that said, the show is anything but done. What you saw Saturday was just a shell of what is to come. We still have 20 more sets of drill to learn and they are going to be 20 of the most challenging and impressive sets yet.

This week is a weird schedule week because of the Thursday Football Game and a well deserved 3 day weekend.

Monday: Full Band 3:00 - 5:00 PM Band Booster Meeting @ 7:00 PM
Tuesday: Horn Line 3:00 - 5:00 PM Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Wednesday: Full Band 3:00 - 6:00 PM (SCRIP orders are due)
Thursday: Football Game vs Buchholz (we are the home team)

On Thursday (at the football game), the nice folks from Westside Baptist Church are hosting a Cookout Social for the GHS and BHS Bands. We will be meeting with the BHS Band at 6:00 PM at Citizens Field for this really neat social opportunity. Come early to the game to join us. They will provide burgers and dogs and we will provide a vegeterian option, so please have your student come see me so I can make sure we provide enough for those students.

We will be hosting a Chicken BBQ Dinner at GHS on Friday, October 29th. We have the day off from school, but we will have a practice from 12:00 to 6:00 because Showcase is the next day. Please check out tickets with me in the office. Our goal is to presell at least 500 dinners, which is less than 5 tickets per student. What better way to celebrate the day before Showcase than eating a yummy BBQ Chicken Dinner?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chicken BBQ Fundraiser

Tickets for the Chicken Barbecue fundraiser are now available from Mr. Pirzer.

This fundraiser works as follows:
  • Students sign out tickets (5 tickets per envelope) and are responsible for either selling the tickets for $8 each, or returning the unused tickets.
  • A ticket will get you a Chicken BBQ dinner, consisting of a half chicken, cole slaw, baked beans, and a roll, from Hills BBQ, between 5 and 7pm on Friday, 10/29/10.
  • Note that there is no school on this day, and the students will be practicing from 12noon to 6pm for the Southern Showcase competition, which takes place the next day.
  • Dinners will be packaged and may be eaten at GHS (perhaps while you are watching the tail end of the day's practice), or they may be brought home/ delivered to others. Your choice.
  • A portion of the proceeds from the ticket sales will go into the student's fair share account.
  • All $$ and unused tickets are due back to Mr. Pirzer by 10/25/10 (Monday) so that the correct amount of dinners can be ordered.
  • Do not count on being able to buy dinners on the day of the event (without advanced ticket purchase) as we will cut into the fundraising $$ if we order extra and they don't get sold.
Any questions, please email

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chiefland Competition Schedule Available Now

The schedule for the Chiefland competition is posted to the GHS band website (click on link below):

Go to the Itineraries tab to view the actual schedule. Maps to the event are available in the band room, so you may want to ask your students to bring one home (if they haven't already).

Any questions, email

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/27/10

Here are the upcoming events for the week beginning Monday, Sept 27th:

Monday (9/27): Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM
Tuesday (9/28): Horns 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Wednesday (9/29): Brain Tumor Awareness Walk, 5:30 to 7:00 PM @ Haile Village
Thursday (9/30): Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM.
September $75.00 Fair Share Payment Due (you should be up to $275.00 paid in by now)
Friday (10/1): Football game vs. Eastside, we are the visiting team, so we will be in the away bleachers.

We will have our first competition next Saturday, October 9th at Chiefland HS. A detailed itinerary will be available after Mr. Pirzer receives the schedule.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brain Tumor Awareness Walk

Below are the details for the performance at the Brain Tumor Awareness Walk, which is taking place this coming Wednesday, September 29th, from 5:30PM – 7:00PM.

  • Students are to meet at the “Perfect Gift” gift shop in Haile Village by 5:30PM. A map has been provided by Mr. Pirzer, extra copies of which are in the band room. For those who have GPS devices, the address is: 5202 SW 91st Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32608-7124. Parking will be in a nearby lot, off of SW 52nd Rd.
  • Be on time!! Students need to be there no later than 5:30PM to set up and warm up. Note that there will likely be traffic on any route you take, given the time of day, so plan accordingly.
  • Dress will be the travel uniform and sneakers. GHS band hats are also permitted.
  • Instruments will be brought over in a UHaul, or students may bring their own. In either case, students are responsible for remembering to either bring the instrument or put it in the UHaul after morning band class.
  • Students are responsible for getting to the site. Carpooling is encouraged as parking may be a challenge depending on the popularity of the event.
  • Students are to bring their stands music. Music stands will be brought over in the UHaul.
  • After the performance, everyone is expected to help load the truck before leaving. The unloading process will happen the next morning.

Any questions, please send an email to or directly to Mr. Pirzer at

Monday, September 20, 2010

Band Camp II Photos

Band Camp I Photos

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/20/10

Homecoming Week

Please note that our schedule is different because of Homecoming and Open House:
Monday: Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit, Battery, and Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Tuesday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM and Open House
Thursday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM
Friday: Homecoming Game vs. West Port. Students report at 3:00 PM. Lettermen Jacket Order forms due!!

For the game this week, we will not need a pit crew nor a prop crew since we will not get to do a halftime show.

Monday, September 13, 2010

GHS Band Booster Meeting minutes 091310

Band booster president, Frank Mason, opened the meeting by announcing that the intent was to make the meetings move along more quickly, so we would get right to the agenda.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of the last meeting, and was seconded, all approved.

Mr. Pirzer reviewed the upcoming events, all of which are contained on the current calendar (same calendar that was distributed at the parent meeting at the end of Band Camp 2, and that is currently on the website).

Upcoming Football Games

The band has performances for the next 3 consecutive Fridays, however the middle game (on 9/24) is homecoming so there will not be a show performance during half time. Instead, the full band will play for the homecoming court.

For this Friday’s game, each student needs to contribute $1 toward the food that is being partially donated by Jimmy John’s. Donations of chips, bananas, apples, and other similar snack items are requested of parents.

Note that this Friday (9/17) is going to be a long day for the band students, beginning with an early morning Pep Rally. Band students need to be at school at 7:45am (Students, please wear band shirts). Students will leave for the game (on buses) between 5:30pm and 6pm. Parents should arrive at Citizen’s Field no later than 7:10pm if they would like to see the pregame show. Volunteer parents, if you arrive at the game at 6, there will be no one checking the gates. If you arrive later, you will need to go to the pass gate and your name will be checked against a list of volunteer names submitted by Mike Grantham. You are welcomed to caravan over to the game from GHS, or simply meet at the field. Everyone (except for Pit Crew, who will have their own shirts) should wear his/her band booster shirt to the game. If you don’t have one, Mr. Pirzer has them for sale for $25.

The 9/17 game is a bit unusual in that the visiting team (Santa Fe) will play at the end of the game, instead of at half time. GHS students will stay to watch Santa Fe, and Mr. Pirzer requested that the parents stay, as well.

Other Events

As noted on the calendar, All State auditions are this Saturday. The students who are participating know who they are.

Please take particular note of next weeks’ practice schedule. It is different than the norm due to the open house on Tuesday evening. Pit/Battery/Guard will have their late practice on Monday versus Tuesday. Also, there is no night rehearsal next Thursday (9/23) … practice will be 3-5 instead. PLEASE CHECK THE CALENDAR.

Gator Dockside Breakfast is 9/25. More tickets need to be sold!

There has been a request to add an event on Wednesday, 9/29. It is a walk for Brain Tumor Awareness in Haile Plantation. A subsection of the band will perform – it will be similar to what has been done for the March of Dimes Walk. All participants will get community service hours. Much more info to come from Mr. Pirzer.

State Championship

Mr. Pirzer reiterated there will not be a National Competition, as was announced in the meeting at the end of Band Camp 2.

Band will depart for state championship on Friday morning, 11/19, and will practice at a high school in Tampa for a couple of hours. Then, students will be taken to the movies (or some similar activity) to relax. Actual competition is the next day, Saturday 11/20, with the preliminary rounds to be held at Chamberlain High School, and the Finals to be held at the baseball stadium. Rooms for Friday night have already been reserved at a Days Inn for all students, and 40 parents (20 double occupancy rooms). Cost for parents for package deal (parent bus and room) will be $65 per person. These will only be available as a package, not separately, and bus will leave when student buses leave (Friday morning). Let Mr. Pirzer know if you want to participate in the parent bus/hotel arrangement.

Student Absences

According to Mr. Pirzer, we have yet to have perfect attendance at any of the practices. The absenteeism has been going up lately and it is becoming an issue. Please do what you can to make sure students are coming to all practices.

Treasurer’s Report – Suzanne Clark

As is usual, the fall season has started off with some big expenditures (totaling $31,000). Our fundraisers are contributing nicely (particularly Gator concessions and Yankee candles), but we need more $$. In that regard, the next $75 installment of fair share is due September 30.

Fundraisers – Laura Netardus and SusanWeinstein

Need to push the Gator Dockside breakfast. May want to consider buying 10 tickets and then giving away to friends/family who will use them. These folks tend to leave nice tips, which are then allocated to the fair share accounts of all children who worked the event.

Gator Concessions – Ruth Dean and Liz Brown

The concessions are doing great, based on 2 games of work so far. The following dates still have openings:

10/9 – Same day as Chiefland Competition – need 3-4 more guard parents/siblings and 3-4 more band parents/siblings)

11/13 – Same day as North Marion Competition – need 1-2 guard parents/sibling, and 3-4 more band parents/siblings)

We are not going to do the concessions for the game that coincides with the State Championships and have made other arrangements for the concessions to be handled.

Other upcoming fundraisers:

Chicken Barbecue – begins 10/4

Holiday Wreaths – begins 11/1

Downtown Arts Festival – booth setup and teardown – 1st weekend in Nov. Randy Handel will provide additional information.

Possible new fundraisers (will be further researched by Laura and Susan):

Dinner at Chili’s (percentage of proceeds come to band)

Pasta Sales

Volunteer news – Volunteer Coordinator Mike Grantham

The Pit Crew is set, and will practice this Thursday evening (Mike has communicated with them separately). Those on the Pit Crew are listed below:

  1. Rick Yost
  2. Cathy Honeycutt
  3. Gene Honeycutt
  4. Jayne Hargrave
  5. Kimm Tyson
  6. George Bryan
  7. Carol Bryan
  8. Keith Teller
  9. Roberta Guidice- Teller
  10. Sherolyn Spencer
  11. Christian Spencer
  12. Cindi Cleeton
  13. Amy Mueller
  14. Mike Coughlin
  15. Frank Mason
  16. Cindy Mason
  17. Ashton Mason
  18. Miranda Mason
  19. Chasalee Hurley
  20. Susie Hummel
  21. Mike Grantham

Pit Crew shirts should be in by game day.

Uniforms – Adela Van Antwerp

Thanks to help from several volunteers, all students have been fitted, with the exception of one person and all jackets are done.

Guard uniforms are in process and will be ready by Friday.

The only items that won’t be ready for Friday’s game are the capes.

Adela let us know that the process was difficult this year as many of our incoming freshmen were very small, and we didn’t have many small jackets. So, lots of shifting around of jackets had to take place. For next year, the band will get a loan to purchase some new jackets (thanks to a special angel not to be named in these minutes), and will do some targeted fundraisers to repay that loan.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Week Ahead - Week Beginning 9/13/10

Here is a look at the week ahead. This one is a very very very important week as our first performance is this Friday.
Each hornline member will need to have a towel with approximate dimensions of 20" by 30" for next week's rehearsals. A little smaller or a little larger is fine, but it cannot be a big towel nor a dish towel. I have found that a bathroom hand towel is about 16" by 25" and that will be fine. Also, the towel will need to be fastened around the students waist long ways so that it can be worn as a leg cape. I suggest the students use their stretch block rope to tie around their waist.

Monday: Full Band 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Band Booster Meeting at 7:00 PM
Tuesday: Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit/Battery/Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Thursday: Full Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM, Pit Parent Practice 7:00 PM
Friday: Football Game, Students report at 3:00 PM for Practice. Dinner is being provided by Jimmy Johns,Students need to bring $1.00 for dinner. Exact details will be given at Booster meeting. Gameday itinerary is available on the band website.
Saturday: All State Band Auditions @ Buchholz HS. Only for students that have already signed up.
Please look ahead at the calendar, as the week of September 20th has a different rehearsal schedule due to GHS Homecoming. Be prepared and look ahead.

Monday, September 6, 2010


  • Tuesday (9/7): Horn Line 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Pit, Battery, Guard 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday (9/8): No After School Rehearsal SCRIP ORDERS DUE TO MR. PIRZER
  • Thursday (9/9): Full Marching Band 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Friday (9/10): Full Marching Band 3:00 to 7:00 PM
Coming Soon.....
  • Monday, Sept 13: Band Booster Meeting 7:00 PM in Band Room.
  • Thursday, Sept 16: Pit Parent Practice starting at 7:00 PM, practice Field
  • Friday, Sept 17: Football Game vs. Santa Fe. Our First performance of the year!!!
Gator's Dockside Pancake Breakfast Tickets are now available. Check them out through me in the band office.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gator Concession Fundraiser Opportunities

There are a few openings that need to be filled for upcoming Gator Concessions. We are trying to fill them with people who are not already signed up for a booth. This is to give everyone a fair opportunity to work. They changed our booths around so we have been filling those positions with people signed up as alternates. Here are the few that still need filling.

The following dates are open:
September 11
Band Booth

I need a parent/child set or just a parent to be lead on this booth

October 9th (this is the competition in Chiefland)
All Adults or siblings over the age of 14
thank you to those who already signed up
Guard booth (2 positions)
Band booth (5 positions)

November 13th (Competition in North Marion)
All Adults or siblings over the age of 14
thank you to those who already signed up
Guard booth (2 positions)
Band booth (4 positions)

We really need to have some parents kick in and help at one of these dates. With all adults, there are fewer people required and you have a chance to make more money. The money will go to your child's fair share.
If you want to work, please email Ruth at