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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Come Early to Winter Concert for the Silent Auction!

The GHS Boosters will host a 
Silent Auction 
before the Winter Concert on Monday, December 14th. 

Our three themes are Coffee, Chocolate and Movie Night! (Future themes might include Scrap booking, Gator Sports, UF Museums, Tools, Spa Day, Dining Out, Personal Training etc.)    Bring your donations for the Gift Baskets to the band room by Friday, December 11th, by 2:00 p.m. Laura, Susan and Liz have volunteered to put together the baskets this week end.  If you'd like to help, contact Susan or Laura. 
Bidding will start at 6:00 p.m. and end when the concert begins....  How does it work? There will be a starting bid written on a paper in front of each Gift Basket.  You bid on the basket(s) of your choice...and the basket goes to the highest bidder! Winners  will be announced at the end of the concert.
Bring cash or a check to pick up your basket.   The proceeds will go to the General Fair Share Fund.

Any questions?  E-mail Laura Netardus or Susan Weinstein

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Important Upcoming Dates


We have some important upcoming dates to keep in mind:

Fundraising Dates:
  • TooJay's GHS Band Family dinner night (similar to the Moe's night a few weeks ago), this Wednesday, December 2nd.  Coupons are available in the band room.
  •  Scrip Orders are due Wednesday, December 9th.  Will be delivered in time for the Holiday's.
Booster Meeting Date:
  • Booster Meeting, Monday, December 7th.
GHS Band Winter Holiday Concert:
  •  Monday, December 14th @ 7:00 PM in the GHS Auditorium.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Alachua County Takes Home a Gold, a Silver & a Bronze

Let's give a SHOUT OUT to our students, to Mr. Pirzer, and to our fantastic Alachua County Bands!

The Gainesville High School Hurricane Marching Band took home the Olympic Bronze Medal at the Florida Marching Band Championship competition at the Tropicana Field last night. It's no easy feat taking the Bronze. It's time for us to celebrate our Hurricane accomplishment and placement!

Let's take a look at this accomplishment: Florida has 67 counties, all with schools and bands. 280 of these bands participated 32 regional Florida Marching Band events this season. 77 of these bands qualified for, and competed in, the Florida Marching Band Championship semi-finals this Saturday. 16 of these bands competed in the Class 3A division. 25 outstanding bands and their precision performances moved on to complete in the 2009 Florida Marching Band Championship Finals at Tropicana Field.

Of these exceptional bands, Alachua County boasted FIVE schools that qualified for semi-finals and THREE schools that moved on to the finals. Santa Fe High moved to the finals in Class 2A, Gainesville High moved to the finals in Class 3A and Buchholz High moved to the finals in Class 5A. All three schools placed in the top three of their Class. Santa Fe took home the Gold; Buchholz grabbed the Silver; Gainesville landed the Bronze. Newberry High and P.K. Yonge completed in Class 1A semi-finals, but did not move on to the finals.

This continues a tradition. Our Alachua County schools have competed in the State finals every year since its inception in 1998. Santa Fe High School took the Gold in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005 and in 2009. Gainesville High School took the Gold in 2000, 2001 and 2008. We have a lot to look back on and a lot to look forward to!

None of this could happen without the quality music programs we have here in Alachua County. It couldn't happen without our dedicated and impassioned band directors. It couldn't happen without the students who start marching in June for the State Championship competitions in November. Nor could it happen without the support of the parents who raise funds, maintain uniforms, staff the pit crew, donate supplies and who simply love their students in a big way.

Let's raise our glass to Mr. Pirzer , to our Marchers, to the Boosters and to ALL the parents who support their children and our band program to make these achievements happen! Let's give a Shout Out! to the Hurricane Marching Band and our Brethern bands!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 2009 Booster Minutes are Posted!!!

November 2009 Band Booster Minutes

Mr. Pirzer’s News: 

MARCHING BAND SEASON NEARLY OVER: We have five more after school rehearsals and then marching season is over.  Every practice is crucial. Mr. Pirzer reminds us that the next two weeks of practices are beyond importance. The band is making program changes at each practice. State competition will look different than Southern Showcase.

SOUTHERN SHOWCASE:  We had a great crowd at Southern Showcase. Parent and fan cheering at Showcase really cheered the kids and supported their efforts.  Mr. Pirzer notes that our students respond well to cheering. The more the better.

DONATIONS REQUESTED:  Our stocks are getting low again, and need to be shored up before the FMBC competition.  We’d like a mix of both bottled water and bottled Gatorade to prevent our marchers from dehydrating and falling out at State Competitions. We want our students to drink more Gatorade to keep the electrolytes up.  Snacks are needed, too – apples, bananas, crackers, trail mix.  

11/21/09 STATE FMBC INFORMATION:  We have a pre-FMBC schedule change

Due to our GHS football team successful season, there are more GHS football games than we had on our calendar.  We play at the GHS game on Friday 11/20/09, and therefore won’t have this date to practice, so the Friday practice has been moved up TO THIS FRIDAY 11/13/09 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The FMBC itinerary is available in the band room and posted on the GHSBandNews blog. Kids report at 8:00 a.m. We will leave at approximately 8:30 a.m.  Performance time is 4:10 p.m.  We’re taking both trailers to the game.

COMPETITION SITE LOCATIONS:  Jeffereson High School in Tampa. Mr. Pirzer has provided directions to Jefferson and then from there to Tropicana Field.  The location is easier to navigate than in years past.  The high school is right off of I-275.  It is a smaller field that should work well for us.  There are 16 bands competing in Class 3A in prelims.  90 bands are competing overall. We compete 7th from the end. The top five of each class move on to Finals.

FINALS for 3A:  Start at roughly at 9:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. Class 3A will perform last.  By score, we’re currently third highest in Class 3A. Mr. Pirzer thinks the GHS Hurricane Marching Band can do really well, especially if our students focus.

PARENT BUS:  We’ve only filled about 20 of the 45 seats.  Admission for prelims is $12.00, admission for finals is $20.00. Pit crew gets in free!!! Pit crew entrance fees are already paid for, and arm bands already procured.  First priority will be given to the crew that has been providing support all season long. 

Warning to bring lots of cash:  The finals DVDs are expensive. Someone mentioned that DVDs last year cost them $100.00 (I don’t know if that was for one or for multiple DVDs). There are no ATMS on site. No credit cards accepted. You’ll need cash only for parking (if you drive), entrance fees, concession stands and for most vendors.

OTHER:  WELCOME MR. KEITH NORTHOVER, Mr. Pirzer’s intern.  He’ll be with us through the Thanksgiving break.


11/20/09 – Add a GHS football game to your calendar @ Citizen’s Field at 7:30 p.m.  The GHS football team has rocked this year, and therefore, our playing season is longer than usual.  Hudson High School (just north of Tampa) is coming here. This will be our last chance to perform our full program in front of a crowd before State FMBC on 11/21/09We’ll most likely have a game after Thanksgiving, if we win this one. So the band might be called upon again. If it’s an away game, our band won’t be needed. But, if it’s a home game, we’ll be there.  

PICTURES:  Band Retakes is (was) next Wednesday, 11/11/2009, 6th period.  Band picture orders are due this Friday, 11/13/09.  Make up pictures will have a later order date.  Return date for both will be back before the December holiday.

ALL COUNTY BAND FOR HIGH SCHOOL for this year has been cancelled.  Scheduled date of Passover was moved, and moved, and moved, and finally, it had to be cancelled. In lieu of this, UF is hosting an Honor Band 4/1/2010-4/3/2010 – Cost is $60.00.  The concert will be scheduled the Saturday evening. Mr. Watkins at UF is coordinating this and more information will be forthcoming.  No auditions for this, but GHS musicians will need a recommendation from Mr. Prizer.

MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND ALL COUNTY is still a go at this point, but it, too, has been rescheduled many times, too, and also is in danger of being cancelled.

SPRING CONCERT DATE:  HAS BEEN MOVED from Friday, 4/23/09 to Monday, 4/26/09.  This is because it turns out that the auditorium was double booked by the GHS Drama Department as well as the GHS Band, and somebody had to move over. Guess that was us this time!

Band Booster President: Frank Mason:

President Frank Mason is impressed with how the band looks considering everything it’s been through this year, transition, new faces – parents & kids, new style of performance.  He’s really looking forward to seeing the development over the next two weeks.  He’s impressed with the number of GHS fans in the stands – hollering and cheering.

He also expressed concern over the Band Booster meeting attendance and would like to see increased attendance.  We had 30 parents attend the November booster meeting. He’s  open to suggestions of what we could do to increase attendance.

Treasurer News:

FAIR SHARE STATUS:  Fair share contributions have dwindled to nearly nothing coming in. We’re behind about $28,000 in Fair Share funds. Although there is money in the checking account right now, it’s already accounted for and on it’s way out.  Serious concern over how the GHS Band will meet its ongoing expenses after this month.  

WHY IS FAIR SHARE SO LOW? One possible reason that our Fair Share is so low is that the monthly reminder was left off of the Hurricane Band calendar. A suggestion was made to send monthly reminders via e-mail and to send statement updates to parents. 

TREASURY BALANCE:  Current balance in our checking account is $4,500.  However, two thousand of this belongs to the trailor fund, and the balance is earmarked for expenses incurred. $1,000 earmarked for indoor guard fees. At this point, we’re not sure how we’re going to pay for our entrance fees to indoor guard and to FMBA.

Some discussion on Quicken files:  Susan has received the e-mail and attachment, but hasn’t viewed it yet. She thinks this one should load, and she should be able to view it this week.

Fundraiser News:

SCRIPT: NEXT SCRIPT ORDER IS EXTENDED TO THIS FRIDAY 11/13/09.  Participation in script is not nearly as strong as it was last year. 5 students earned $131.03 for October in script purchases. Reminder that planning ahead for your holiday travel and shopping can earn money toward your Fair Share.  Pre-purchase gas cards, meal cards, hotel cards and use them as cash during the holidays.  Presents?  Know which stores you want to shop at?  Buy yourself gift cards and use them as cash to make your holiday purchases.

SCRIPT HOLIDAY DEALS: Bath & body works is offering 18% of the purchased gift card toward your Fair Share AND will give you $10 off every $30 dollar purchase. Marriots is offering 9%, LL Bean 1is offering 8%.  Fannie May is offering 18%,  Flowers is offering 25%.

WHERE CAN YOU GET A HOLIDAY SCRIPT ORDER FORM? Link over to the Hurricane Band website to view and print your order form.  Or, your student can bring one home from the band room. Jill Burleson mentions that she’s willing to make special orders for large orders such as vacation travel (Marriots) and home repair (Home Depot).

LACKLUSTER SUPPORT FOR OUR DOCKSIDE FUNDRAISER:  We only pre-sold 117 tickets, with an additional 45 meals raised at the door. Out of 100 students, only 9 checked out pre-sale tickets. Tips were great, and the $125.25 raised in tips will be divided between the 18 students who volunteered to staff the Gator Dockside fundraiser.  We paid $345 to Gator Dockside and pocketed $772.25 in profit from the fundraiser.

BELK:  One person participated and paid $50.00 for 10 coupons.  Others might have bought tickets, but no funds were turned in.

UF CONCESSION STAND MONEY IS NOW COMING IN, although staffing the concession stands for some games has really been difficult. Ruthie Dean mentions that despite e-mails and blog updates, she only has three parents signed up for the 11/21/09 concession stand. This is the date of Finals, and no students can staff the concession stand for this game.

WEDNESDAY GENERAL FUNDRAISER – WELCOME TO MOES!!!  Students were given free discount tickets for this fundraiser.  Supporters only needed one ticket per group. A ticket earned a donation of 15% of the purchase price to the band’s general fund. This was only for the Moes locationed on Newberry Road by the Royal Park movie theater, 4:00 – 10:00 p.m.  Moes does not want outside solicitation.  Come with your tickets.

DINNER AT TOOJAYS:  We have another general December fundraiser at Toojays coming up with a similar arrangement to Moes. More information and December fundraiser date to be announced.

HIRE A HURRICANE – DOWNTOWN ARTS FUNDRAISER 11/14/09 & 11/15/09: Appears to be off to a great start.  7 artists have pre-paid for a Hurricane helper to set up and/or break down their display booths. 13 students have signed up. $540 in pure profit has been raised.  There is a possibility of raising more if we have stand-by students available and last minute requests by artists. We have promised 2 people per artist for set ups and take down.

WRITE DOWN THIS NUMBER IF YOU'RE SIGNED UP: – RANDY HANDEL cell phone (352) 328-4204 just in case you need it.

Most assignments on Saturday start early, early, early -- Coming at 6:00 .m. Working ‘til we’re done.  Promise is about two hours. Expectation is if you’re coming at 6:00 a.m., you’re working until 8:00 a.m.

Randy mentioned that his spreadsheet is filled for current commitments, although he could use one more, and he’d be glad to have stand-by students at the sign up tent, in case we have last minute requests for a Hurricane. Hurricane helpers can meet at the sign up tent or go directly to the booth that they are assigned to.  The sign up tent will most likely be located at the downtown plaza by the bus stop. Booth numbers are posted on the link that was previously sent. [After the Booster meeting, Randy created another e-mail, complete with more links and a layout of the artist booth locations, and sent to his mailing list.  If you need it, let me know, and I’ll forward it to you, too].

WHAT TO WEAR:  It was recommended that our Hurricanes be easily identifiable, and wear their purple band t-shirts. 

THE GUARD HAS A YARD SALE also scheduled for Saturday 11/14/09 and requests that strong, able bodies, not otherwise committed to the Hire-A-Hurricane fundraiser, contact her to assist with set up of the heavy stuff around 6:30 a.m.  She also asks for quality donations. Items that are not sold will need to be retrieved by their donors.


Contact:  C. McFadden at 271-6490 or 264-6723

GENERAL FUNDRAISING UPDATE: Our fundraiser co-chairs are trying to track what has been successful in the past and how we’re doing on it now. We’ve had really low participation in some of the fundraisers. We’re not sure if students aren’t taking things home, if the parents are not supporting the fundraisers in general, or if there are simply too many fundraisers. 

Volunteer News:


Color Guard News:

UF CONCESSION STANDS:  11/21/09 – only 3 people signed up for the 11/21/09, which is our State competition day.  12 adults are needed.  It’s an early game. Volunteers start at 9:00 a.m.; the games starts at 12:30; wrap up is usually completed by about 4:00 p.m.  It’s possible that we could get some volunteers out in time to make the 4:00 p.m. Hurricane competition in Tampa. If we don't meet our promise to staff the concession stand, we will lose our contract.

Parents & students interested in staffing the UF concessions stands should contact Eileen Monk and/or Ruthie Dean.


WHAT ARE THE JUDGES LOOKING FOR ANYWAY? The meeting ended with a lot of discussion on the competitions and what the judges are looking for.  Mr. Pirzer provided the following website as an excellent resource for this question:  You can actually download the scoring sheets and read the specific criteria for each rated category.

JUDGES:  What are the judges looking for:

There are 9 different judges

All judges are specific to their graded area, except general effect. Some look at the broad picture, others only focus on an individual item.

Color guard: Only looking at color guard, same for percussion judge. 

General Effect Coordination:  How the whole package fits together & how it affects you emotionally. Does the drill fit the music?

Music ensemble judge:  Just listening to the music:  Is the music in tune, is it together, how are the dynamics, the articulation, does it start together, does it end together?

Ensemble Vision:  Just looking at the picture on the field. Is the band marching together, is it marching the same, is everyone hitting their forms, is it coordinating with the color guard?

There are general 4 captions worth 20 points and 2 individual captions worth 10 points.

Color guard, drum major, percussion do not incorporate into the final score.

HOW DOES COMPLEXITY AFFECT SCORING? They look at complexity of the program – how hard is it? How does it compare to the other shows?  Think of it as AP vs regular classes.  Think of us as the AP band. We get credit for trying something harder. We do a much more difficult show. The judges will tell you, though, that if you can’t do a clean show that also sounds good, you shouldn’t try to perform such a complex show.

HOW MUCH OF THE JUDGING IS SUBJECTIVE?  To achieve a certain score a band should meet certain criteria at a certain level, although this is subjective.  For example: Music: Achieves mastery of music “most of the time.”  The judges are experienced and have years of training, and judge upon a national scale over the past several years.

HOW DOES SIZE AFFECT SCORE? Questions concerning correlation between size of band and score:  General effect category strongly affected by size of band. It does seem that the smaller bands don’t score as well. We fit right in the middle, but are considered a smaller band. Where you compete in the show also makes a difference. The more bands that go before you, the better chance you have of getting a higher score. That presumes, of course, that you’re really good. If you’re not, your score will be lower.

HOW TO SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD: Parents asked for guidance on how to best support their marchers.  Lots of suggestions were offered from parents and from Mr. Pirzer.  The suggestions boiled down to some simple basics:

1)    know your music

2)    concentrate as hard as you can during practice

3)    practice the way you want to perform it

The more repetitions the students get, the better they’re going to be.

NEXT BOOSTER MEETING: Next Booster meeting is Monday, December 7, 2009.



State Finals -- Here We Come!!!

Calling all GHS Hurricane Marching Band parents and fans!!!  The Fan bus still has about 20 seats still available.  Get yours now!  Only $25.00.  Sign up sheets in the band room. Leave the driving to someone else.  You'll be glad you did! 

It's CASH only, and unless you're in the pit crew, you'll need to bring a few bucks! Prelims cost $12.00 (I think) and Finals $20.00 (I think).  (Someone send me an e-mail if this is wrong). The concessions stands at Finals are expensive.  DVDs are expensive.  I'm told that ATMs are a long way away from the Tropicana Dome.

Some have asked, "How do I, as a parent, encourage my child?"  The answer:
  • Know your music
  • Concentrate as hard as you can during practice
  • Practice it the way you want to perform it
Here is the abbreviated itinerary:

8:00 a.m. All students arrive at GHS
8:30 a.m.    Buses depart for Jefferson High School, site of the preliminary competition
1:00 p.m.    Students eat lunch
4:10 p.m.    GHS Hurricane Marching Band performs
5:20 p.m.    Preliminary competition awards
6:30 p.m.    Leave for Tropicana Field, site of the final competitions
9:00 p.m.    3A Finals begin.  Our performance time to be determined
12:00 a.m.   Depart for GHS
2:00 a.m. Arrive at GHS

Parents, it's an exciting, but loooong day.  Please be sure to promptly pick up your child so that everyone can go home as quickly as possible.

For those of you who will drive, here are the directions:

Jefferson High School
4401 West Cypress Street
Tampa, FL 33607

1. Take I-75 South to I-275 exit, just north of Tampa
2. Take I-275 south into Tampa, exiting at EXIT 40B - LOIS AVENUE
3. At bottom of ramp, turn RIGHT ONTO LOIS AVENUE
4. Get immediately in left lane and turn LEFT ONLY CYPRESS STREET
5. Drive about .3 miles west on Cyrpess Street.  Jefferson High School IS ON YOUR RIGHT

From Jefferson High School to Tropicana Field:

Tropicana Field
1 Tropicana Drive
St. Petersburg, FL 33705

1. Go west on Cypress Street and turn LEFT ONTO WEST SHORE BLVD (CR-587)
2. Drive .5 miles and turn RIGHT onto JFK BLVD (FL - 60)
3. Drive .3 miles and follow signs to I-275 SOUTH. JFK Blvd eventually merges into I-275 S
4. Take I-275 SOUTH about 16 miles to EXIT I-75.
5. FOLLOW THE SIGNS to Park at the Tropicana Field.
6. Parking fee is $10.00

Here's looking forward to sharing our purple cheers at State FMBC on 11/21/09!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fair Share Woes -- Contributions Fall Behind

We learned tonight at the Booster meeting that our Fair Share installments have dropped off, and we in danger of not meeting our band and guard expenses.  Band Fair Share is $525. Guard is more. Participation in this year's fundraiser activities has been lackluster at best.  

Although we have 100 band students, we only pre-sold 117 Tickets to the Gator Dockside breakfast fundraiser.  Only 9 students took tickets for pre-sales.  It's rumored that Howard Bishop Middle School sold hundreds of meal tickets.

Some reasons that Fair Share contributions lag behind.
  • I keep forgetting
  • I hate selling things
  • I hate getting up early
  • The economy is killing me
  • The holidays are killing me
  • Someone else will take care of it
Nonetheless, our band needs your student's Fair Share contribution. Please make current your student's Fair Share account.  

You don't have to write a check. You can participate in fund raising activities, and you and your student can VOLUNTEER.  A little inconvenience and a bit o' elbow grease can net your student a $45 to $90 pot-of-pure-profit in one day or one weekend.
  • VOLUNTEER to staff concessions stands (ongoing fundraiser)
  • VOLUNTEER for the Hire-A-Hurricane (11/14/09 & 11/15/09)
  • VOLUNTEER to serve at the Gator Dockside breakfast  (already completed)
  • VOLUNTEER for Gator Nationals (future fundraiser)
Two fundraiser activities that we have scheduled for this weekend:

Hire-a-Hurricane: Downtown Arts Festival. Assist artists with booth set up and break down Saturday morning and Sunday evening.  See our last blog fundraiser post for all details and contact information.

Yard Sale: And we also have a yard sale. Assistance with early a.m. set up from big, strong folk is requested. The details follow:


GHS Band/Color Guard 

DATE:  November 14, 2009

TIME:  7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

PLACE:  Gainesville High School (Front Parking Lot) 

Come and See!!! 

Donations are Welcome – Unique items that you would want to buy. 

Contact:  C. McFadden at 271-6490 or 264-6723  

UF Concession Stand: And last, but not least, Ruth Dean tells us that not a single parent has stepped up to staff the 11/21/09 Gator Game concession stand, even though we only have 20 of 45 seats reserved on the Hurricane fan bus. If your Fair Share account is hurting, now would be a really good time to step up and VOLUNTEER to staff the concession stand. Bring siblings who are 14+ years and earn a two shares, as well as accrue community service hours.

Enough said.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hello Again Parents,

If your FairShare is low, slow or no go, consider volunteering for an upcoming concession stand slot.  Got enough money already? Earn money toward the end-of-year Daytona Beach trip instead!  Parents, you can earn money toward Daytona Beach chaperone costs! 

From Ruth Dean, one of our concession stand organizers: 

Hello to all parents! As most of you know, we have a contract with UF to staff our booth at all of the Gator games.   We have enacted a new policy that only adults can handle the money so we need more adult help than in the past. There are a few dates coming up, and I need to know who I can count on as soon as possible. You will get credit for yourself and your child. We will be getting basketball dates soon.
  • November 7, Vandy
  • 2 adults needed (and your child)
  • arrival time 4:00 p.m.
  • Gate 18
  • November 21st, FL International
  • This is the day of State there will be no kids to work so I will need any parent not going, to work the booth for me.  Siblings are also welcome. (must be 14yrs old)
  • 10 adults needed
  • arrival time 9:30 a.m.
  • Gate 18
  • November 28th , FSU
  • Thanksgiving weekend
  • 4 adults needed
  • Arrival time tba...3 hours before game time
  • Gate 18
Welcome to Moes!!! Moes at the Royal Plaza on Newberry Road has designated November 10th as a GHS Band fundraiser day. Students, friends and family who eat at Moes will accrue 15% of the receipt toward their FairShare! Mr. Pirzer will send home coupons for this soon.

Southern Showcase

Southern Showcase was one tough competition.  A lot of great bands performed, including ours.

It was HOT again. It wasn't hot in the wee hours, but it sure was by the time we got out there. It was so hot that students fell out and some were unable to compete in Finals. We had holes. Mr. Pirzer subbed for one Drum Major in the Finals. Our featured duet became a solo. And yet, the Gainesville Hurricane Marching Band was AWESOME in both the preliminary and final competitions!

Eighteen bands competed in the preliminary competition, with 10 moving on to the finals.  Your Gainesville Hurricane Marching Band was amazing, sweeping Class 3A and taking Best In Show in Drum Major, Auxilliary, Percussion, General Effect, Visual and Music, and moving on to Finals. The Hurricanes received a Superior with Distinction for Drum Major and Music, and also scored second highest of 18 bands with an overall score of 84.70!!!  

Finals were stressful.  The heat had taken its toll.  Parents sat with bated breath, awaiting the Final performance. And what a show!!! You would not have guessed that Drum Major Jessica Pu was conducting a part of the show that she normally does not conduct, or that Ryan Sagul was cranking out an impromptu solo instead of a duet.  In fact, Ryan Sagul took Best In Show for Featured Performance with that solo! 

The GHS Hurricane Marching Band placed First Runner Up in the Finals with a score of 83.95. It would have been fantastic to take home a sixth straight Grand Master Championship at the 2009 Southern Showcase, but after five years, the torch was passed to our brethern, Buchholz, with a Final overall score of 87.80.

We salute you, Buchholz, and look forward to competing with you and Santa Fe at the Tropicana Dome on November 21st!  Let's hope the weather is better by then.

And parents, especially our freshman parents, know that it's not usually like this. My daughter's a senior this year.  I've weathered three, and now nearly four, wonderful marching band seasons. I suspect this season's flu and heat combination have impacted our marchers in a big way this year. 

Downtown Art Festival Fundraiser in Full Swing

A reminder that the Hire-a-Hurricane fundraiser is under full swing.  This looks to be a fabulous fundraiser that may become a tradition for years to come. It's easy money. You don't have to sell anything. Every penny earned goes straight into your fairshare pocket!!! 

6 artists for a total of 22 slots have already signed up, with quite a few other artists expressing interest.  There also seems to be a definite need for some volunteers to be "on call" for set up the morning of the festival on Nov. 14 around 6am.

We still need at least 16 slots filled, each worth $22.50 toward fairshare.  In most cases, students can sign up for both a Saturday morning setup (must be there by 6am) and a Sunday evening breakdown (be there by 5pm) for a total of $45 toward fairshare. A parent/student team can earn $90.00 in one weekend!  You and your student can show up at 6:00 a.m., spend a couple of hours setting up, go to breakfast, and come back to browse the art show!!!

To sign up, click on the online version here:

Slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis, but by signing up you are committing to helping an artist in need, so please be there and please be on time. This is our first season on this fundraiser. Our reputation, and future opportunity to continue this exclusive GHS Band fundraiser, hinges on how well we keep our promise to these artists at this fundraiser. 

To see the present scheduled slots and what has been filled so far go here:

Please direct questions to Randy Handel

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Southern Showcase Here We Come!!


Southern Showcase is just up the street from Gainesville, and we look forward to seeing you there!!! The address for those of you who wish to program a GPS or MapIt follows.  

Santa Fe High School
16213 NW US HWY 441
Alachua, FL 32615

Directions are simple:  North on 441 through the main part of Alachua and before you get to I75. Santa Fe High School is right on 441, on the right-hand side. Pass the first entrance to the school and take a right at the light. Parking is just around the corner and on your right. Students will direct you in.

If you are taking I75, exit at Alachua and take a left.  Sante Fe High school is not far down the road on your left. Take a left at the light. Parking will be on the right.

(Parents, the directions are mine and from past attendance at the Southern Showcase.  Mr. Pirzer probably has more precise directions available in the band room, but I will be out of town Wednesday and Thursday, and want to get this posted before I go).

Adult tickets are $10.00
Student and children tickets are $8.00
Bring the green stuff as Visa, MC, American Express and Discover Cards are not accepted.

The full itinerary is available at the GHS Hurricane Website
An abbreviated itinerary follows:

9:00 a.m. Everyone on the practice field
11:00 a.m. Rollcall and lunch
11:15 a.m. Depart for Santa Fe High School
2:30 p.m. Perform in the preliminary competition
4:00 p.m. Preliminary awards
6:30 p.m. Finals begin
11:30 p.m. Arrive back at GHS

Monday, October 26, 2009

FBA Results are in -- Straight Superiors!!!


The GHS Hurricanes Marching Band gave an amazing performance at Saturday's FBA Performance Assessment. Despite some of our students not feeling their best, the music sounded great, the color guard looked awesome, and the visual was interesting to watch.  Joe Burleson and Ryan Sagul's trumpet duet rocked.  And the judges agreed, rating GHS superior in all categories. 

The rated categories were: Music 1, Music 2, Marching, General Effect, Auxiliary, Percussion and Final (combined overall score).

In fact, Alachua county school bands took home the gold with Buchholz, Gainesville, Newberry, P.K. Yonge and Santa Fe High Schools all scoring straight superiors!  Go Alachua county!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FBS Marching Festival at Columbia High School

Itinerary, Address and Driving Directions are now posted!!!   Go Hurricanes!!!!

The full FBS Marching Festival will itinerary is now available in the band room.   
What follows is an abbreviated itinerary:

11:00 a.m. Everyone on the practice field for warms ups
1:00 p.m. Roll call and lunch
1:30 p.m. Depart for Columbia High School in Lake City
7:30 p.m. Hurricanes tentative performance time
8:15 p.m. Ratings announced
10:15 p.m. Arrive at GHS

For those of us with a GPS (or an insatiable urge to MapQuest):  
Columbia High School
469 SE Fighting Tiger Drive, Lake City, FL 32025

For the rest of us:
  • Take I-75 North to the Ellisville exit, which is HWY 41/441. 
  • Take the exit and bear right. 
  • OR, Take 441 N from Gainesville (also known as NW 13th St) until you reach HWY 41/441.
  • Follow 41/441 North for about 10 miles. 
  • At that point, 41 & 441 split. Take the right, which is 441.
  • Columbia High School will be on the immediate right.
Parents, as usual, please promptly pick up your student so that everyone can go home at a decent time!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

2009 October GHS Booster Minutes

October 2009 Band Booster Minutes

Mr. Pirzer’s News: 

DATE CHANGES: ALL COUNTY BAND concert was scheduled Tuesday 3/30/09.  This was Passover. It is now scheduled for Thursday 4/1/09. West Side Baptist Church is the same.   The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.  We will rehearse all day 4/1/09, take a 2 hour break, come back and perform on the same day.

SPRING CONCERT DATE Friday 4/23/09.  Moved to Monday 4/26/09 – which is the week of state concert festival.  The auditorium was double booked.

COMPETITION DATES: The dates of our upcoming competitions are 10/24, 10/31, 11/21.  These dates are also posted on the band calendar.

MIDDLEBURG COMPETITION: It was the most miserable, hot competition in 10 years - about 95 degrees with high humidity. Our guard member who got dehydrated at the competition is doing fine. Looks like next weekend should be much cooler. Thank you to all the parents who supported with pit, uniforms, and cheered in the stands. Prelim performance vs final performance -- much improved. Students stepped up for Saturday night.  Result of the Middleburg competition is that the band students are revved up, focusing and gelling as a team.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. We can’t say enough about getting sufficient hydration. About 10 people were escorted out of the Middleburg competition due to heat-related events. Students should prepare themselves the week before and the day before.  Hydrating the day before makes a BIG difference on the day of the competition. Mr. Pirzer thinks we need to fill up the cooler with Gatorade for electrolytes for these hot competitions.

COMPETITION INFORMATION: 10/24/09:  District Marching at Columbia High School. Itinerary will be available on Monday in the band room. Students will show up at 11:00 for practice.  Admission: $7.00.  This is like the Middle School Concert festivals. It’s not a competition; it’s a performance assessment with Superior, Excellent, Good.  We are shooting for our 64th straight Superior.  Student practice at GHS will be at 11:00 a.m. Load and leave time is around 2:00 p.m. Performance time is 7:30 p.m. Buchholz right after us. Awards immediately afterward.  8:30-8:45 end of show. Back at GHS by 10:00 p.m.

10/31/09:  Southern Showcase at Santa Fe High School in Alachua:  This is our number one competition behind State. In two weeks we should look great and perform our full show.  We aim for our 5th straight Grand Championship at the Southern Showcase

FOR YOU GATOR FANS: We may have an RV outside at Southern Showcase with a TV, for those who want to watch the GA game while attending Southern Showcase. Last year we placed high enough in the scoring that Gators fans were able to watch the entire football game AND still see their students win the Southern Showcase Grand Championship.

STATE:  11/21/09:  State competition is just around the corner and coming up really, really quickly. It looks like semi-finals will be held at Jefferson High School in Tampa; State Finals at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. We have chartered a FAN BUS -- Candy’s Coaches – they’re really nice coaches.  There are 50 seats and $25.00 will get one.  Last year it was $40.00 per seat. We leave around 8:00 a.m. and usually return around 2:00 a.m.  We expect seats to go fast.  Your student can snag you a reservation sheet in the band room.


REHEARSAL:  3:00 – 5:00 p.m. this Wednesday, Thursday night game. We’re on the visitors side this Thursday. No rehearsals this Friday or Saturday. [old news by now, sorry]

ATTENDANCES AND PRACTICES:  We hope you’ve heard your students talking about this, as Mr. Pirzer has addressed this with the students. They’ve lost more than 500 student practice hours due to absentism. There seems to be a lot more appointments and other random things that are scheduled on top of practice hours.  We have 8-10 students absent at every practice. These holes have an impact on the practice.  We only have 5 weeks left in the season. PLEASE have your students attend all the practices. Please check the calendar when you schedule things for your students.


EMERGENCY PLAN: What is our emergency plan for our competitions?  All events have medical personnel on site. There was some concern that the staff at Middleburg were not paramedics. Others stated that there were paramedics on site, but they were very busy helping various people and, and therefore, not in the tent. If one of our children has to be transported to hospital and the parent is attending the event – parent will accompany the child; otherwise, a staff person will accompany the student. 

Discussion on not drinking caffeine products or energy drinks on the day before or during the event. Hydrate heavily the day or two before the event, as well as during the event.

Agree about the heat.  Questions regarding if there was a possibility of moving competition dates/times to later in the day or later in the year?  With 25 sanctioned events that all have to be staggered and coordinated – it would not be possible to change event dates and times because of the heat.  It was noted, though, that it usually IS NOT THIS HOT by the time these competitions start.  Our Middleburg competition was unusually hot. 

WATER AND SNACK DONATIONS:  Discussion on whether there was a better way to ensure adequate supplies than soliciting donations.  One suggestion was to include an amount targeted for supplies in the fair share or fundraising goals, and then have a staff or booster officer purchase supplies before each event. Mr. Pirzer countered that he feels the current way generates a high level of donations, solid parent support and good community spirit, and he prefers to keep it that way.

SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SCORING OF OUR MIDDLEBURG PERFORMANCE: Does the duration of the performance have an impact on the evaluation?  Perhaps it affected the score a bit. Maybe 3-4 points.  One of the judges said in his comments, “I’m sure there’s more to come.” The group far exceeded Mr. Pirzer’s expectations for the first competition. Final scores depend, too, on who the judges are, and whether they like big shows or more complex shows.  We tend to increase our score over the season as our students finess they’re show.  We always have a complicated show.  The students are challenged and enjoying their program.

Showcase:  16 or 17 bands scheduled. We are tentatively scheduled for 2:15 p.m

Band Booster President: Frank Mason:

Not present.

Treasurer News:

We are still operating in the black and have about $10,000 in the checkbook.  We have a few bills to pay. We also have school buses and state buses to pay for. Concern expressed about FAIR SHARE contributions. Fair share has trickled down and is not coming in as regularly as it was in the beginning.

FAIR SHARE:  Is due the last Friday of every month.  $75.00 is the expectation.

We haven’t received any concession stand money yet.

Fundraiser News:

Script: Last year Script orders netted $1745, $1083 the year before it.  This year it is running very low at only $205.00 so far.  It’s a great fundraiser and doesn’t require one to spend any more money than they would have spent anyway, but it does take some plan ahead coordination. THINK ABOUT YOUR HOLIDAY PLANS as Script orders can be used to purchase your presents or to give as presents. With a little preplanning, you can reduce or eliminate your FAIR SHARE while taking care of your holiday plans. New order forms are on the Hurricane website. Turn Script orders it to Mr. Pirzer.


10/14, 11/12, 12/9, 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/21, 5/12, 6/9.

It works like this:  You turn your order in before the deadline.  Between Wednesday & Friday of the following week you’ll have your Script cards and an itemization of how much money went to your child’s Fair Share and year-to-date accrual.

GATOR DOCKSIDE BREAKFAST: 11/07/09: Tickets are printed, but only 5 students have picked up tickets to see. Tickets are in groups of 10.  This is usually a really big fundraiser for us.  50% of the ticket price goes toward your child’s fair share.   Student servers and parent coordinators & chefs will be needed. 

BELKS $5.00 COUPONS 11/07/09:  Yep! It's a his & her day! On the same date as our breakfast, Belks is having a special sale.  Purchasers of these $5.00 coupons get full face value at Belks AND get entered into a $1,000 Belks shopping raffle. The full $5.00 purchase price goes into your child’s fair share. WE NEED A VOLUNTEER TO COORDINATE THESE TICKETS AND TO WORK WITH STUDENTS AT THE TICKET TABLE AT GATOR DOCKSIDE. Please send an e-mail to Susan Weinstein or Laura Netardus if you will be our parent coordinator of the Belk ticket sales.

WREATH SALES for the holidays. It’s time to get things moving if we’re going to have the wreaths for the holiday break. The wreathes were a very big hit last year, were reasonably priced, looked great, smelled good and lasted a long, long time. WE NEED A PARENT VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR FOR THIS EVENT. Please send an e-mail to Susan Weinstein or Laura Netardus if you will be our parent coordinator of the wreathe sales.

ART FESTIVAL:  The Downtown Arts Festival is scheduled for Saturday & Sunday - 11/14/2009 & 11/15/2009. The GHS Band is committed to doing this event. Ellie, a local artist, was so pleased with our set up this past weekend at Thornebrook, that she has recommended us the other artists.  We received our first purchase of services for tent set up and break down for $90.00.  Price is $45 per set up and $45.00 per break down. It’s an early day, but it’s PURE PROFIT --straight into your FAIR SHARE pot of gold. Set up times run from 5:00 a.m. through 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Break down times run from 5:00 p.m. to about 7:00 p.m. On Sunday. Tents are left up overnight.

Randy Handel is coordinating this fundraiser, and ALL HE NEEDS IS FOR STUDENTS TO SIGN UP. (A few parent volunteers might be appreciated, too). Mr. Pirzer strongly encourages student sign up.  If we establish a good reputation at this event, it could become a  GHS HURRICANE BAND fundraising mainstay for years to come.

Discussion on whether we’re going to presale all our set up sales and/or if we’ll have a “talent pool” on hand for last minute orders.


Some question of using students to perform yard work.  An offer of $100 has been received, but questions concerning insurance came up, and it doesn’t look like this is an opportunity that the GHS Band will pursue, although we certainly appreciate the interest.


Our UF Concession stands are doing well. There is a home game 11/21/09, and we have to fulfill our obligation and must staff the concession stand for the entire game. At present, we have no one signed up.  SINCE ALL THE STUDENTS WILL BE IN TAMPA AND UNAVAILABLE to staff the concession stand on 11/21/09, we need parents to staff it instead. We need 12-14 people, and can take siblings over 14 years of age. Our concession stand is Stand 3, Section 8. We meet at Gate 17 for entry. We sell almost everything - Hotdogs, pretzels, popcorn, candy, drinks. IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TO THE STATE COMPETITION, PLEASE VOLUNTEER.  The sign up sheet is located in the band room. Eileen Monck, Shannon Monck and Ruth Dean are the contact people for this request.

Volunteer News:

We had an incredible turn out Saturday. We had lots of folks. Lots of snacks. 

Bruce expects that the Thursday night football crew of volunteers will probably the same wonderful people and help as before.

Color Guard News

See UF Concession stands.


Trailer lights were out and unknown why.

DO YOU HAVE A PAIR OF GATOR TICKETS FOR SALE? Mr. Pirzer is begging for 2 Gator tickets so that his wife can see TEBOW live. Of course, the game must be a home game and on a night when we have no other scheduled band event

We still have GHS SWEATSHIRTS, BOOSTER SHIRTS, KID SHORTS, FEMALE SHIRTS, hats, visors for sale.  Sweatshirts are running low.  We may need them next weekend (finally).

LETTERMAN JACKETS:  Usually arrive about 5-6 weeks after the orders are placed.  The orders were will probably will come in the week before the State Championship.

IT’S HOT AND PRICKLY ALL UNDER:  Black and Purple Under Armor is the solution.  Ask your student what it is, if you don’t already know.  Under Armor can be purchased at WalMart or any sports store, according to Mr. Pirzer. It’s worth the money. Helps keep the student dry and cool in the heat and, believe it or not, also warm and dry in the winter chill, too.